26 - Garry Booker
24 - Graeme Alp, Stephen Harris, Todd Hampshire
23 - Chris Judd, Dale Marsland, NORM FATHERS, Otto Dawson, Sally Wilke, Shane Loftus, Shane Smith
22 - Ken Monkhouse, Louie B, Phil Hutchinson, Ray Povey, simon alden, Tristan Massang, Wayne Skuza, Anthony Monson
21 - Nev Stevens , Saffronne Alden, Shane Anning, Steve Kelly, Steven Novak, Anthony E, Brian Barnfield, Callum Alberti, Corey Bessant, Justin Wright, Kellie Nairn, Mark Masel, Wayne Molloy
20 - Les Onley jnr, Paul Gerdtz, Paul Sinden, Terry Cranswick, Travis Leahy , Blake Nairn, Brett Tie, Gavin Faulkner, Glenn LYNCH , Grant Nicol,
19 - Brad Gillingham, Clive Busch, Jesse Brown, Jim Stewart, Joe Krstic , John Terrell, Mark Wunnenberg
18 - Jeremy Thomas, Marcus Weston, max CARMICHAEL, Paul Hosking, Peter Coffey, Peter Flack, Steve Diable
17 - John Carter
16 - Scott Walker
15 - , steve Mulhall, S GN, Murray Hulbert
14 - Jimmy Buchanan
13 - Eugene OSullivan
7 - Pauline Bourne
Name29th Sept1st Oct3rd Oct5th Oct
Name29th Sept1st Oct

Click Here to access the State Fours history from the past 5 events.
State Fours 2024/25

Total Tipsters - 64

Section 1

Chris Schell/Phillip Jones/Scott Thomson/Brendon Wilkes
Murray Hulbert/Ross Cunningham/Steve Buckley/Peter Morgan
Jovan Krstic/Travis Lynch/Greg Sadler/Shane Colgate
Allan Petchell/Walter Harvey/Mark Armstrong/John Fitzgerald

My Selection -
ChSchell 43.75%, MuHulbert 39.06%, JoKrstic 12.5%, AlPetchell 1.56%

Section 2

John Slavich/Matt Hansen/Tomas Mainstone/Alan Bloxham
Leon Smith/Christopher Roe/David Bird/Russell Drury
Wayne Trawinski/Anthony Monson/Don Pomery/Barry Drage
Gavin Crosthwaite/Glenn Martin/Todd McMahon/Tim Yates

My Selection -
JoSlavich 68.75%, LeSmith 0%, WaTrawinski 3.13%, GaCrosthwaite 28.13%

Section 3

Darren Wilkinson/Cam Wellington/Gary Giblett/Mick Spadaccini
Shane Pullan/Neville Woods/Colin Hotker/Greg Aitken
Grant Taylor/Damian Kitson/Robert Parr/Tadeusz Bochat
Stephen Hide/Joel Thorington/John Brannan/Peter Webster

My Selection -
DaWilkinson 84.38%, ShPullan 6.25%, GrTaylor 6.25%, StHide 3.13%

Section 4

Steven Kilford/Ray Arnold/Greig Oversby/Ken Lowe
Connor Biddle/Kevin Pickering/Steve Oneil/Ian Lillburne
Matt Sharrett/Barney Fleiser/Mark Douglass/Garry Bayne
Wayne Neilson/Wesley Neilson/Tba Tba/Grant Stokes

My Selection -
StKilford 1.56%, CoBiddle 45.31%, MaSharrett 0%, WaNeilson 53.13%

Section 5

Craig Standley/Tony Maxwell/Steve Ivory/Kym Robertson
Mark Forrester/Graeme Winter/Rob Goff/Frank Radi
Steve Mulhall/Terry Rusden/Allen Franco/Phillip Gorman
Steve Wood/Mark Douthie/Brendan Cody/Tui J Niwa

My Selection -
CrStandley 6.25%, MaForrester 1.56%, StMulhall 3.13%, StWood 89.06%

Section 6

Russell Ellis/Matt Watson/Geoff Malaspina/Nick Plesance
Geoff Hinge/Ray Loran/Stuart Hutchinson/David Lyons
Dwayne Hayden/Graeme Cash/Colin McGrath/Ashley Boundy
Neville Stevens/George Smith/Bryan Hunter/Richard Bennett

My Selection -
RuEllis 14.06%, GeHinge 14.06%, DwHayden 0%, NeStevens 71.88%

Section 7

Andrew Drayton/Jamie Conway/Neil Bolton/Luke Bolton
Blake Nairn/Brad Gillingham/Jono Davidson/Callum Alberti
David Ivers/David Gavin/Robert Johnson/Roy Andrich
Jeremy Thomas/Roy Humphrey/George Petrides/Tom Cabassi

My Selection -
AnDrayton 4.69%, BlNairn 93.75%, DaIvers 0%, JeThomas 1.56%

Section 8

Paul Davies/Mitchell Biglin/Troy Kinnane/John Percival
Arthur Bartlett/Joe Rollnick/Eugene O'Sullivan/Scott Birmingham
David Hitchman/Paul Allen/Steve Ellis/Michael Humphrey
Paul Smith/Gary Burley/Anton Wieland/Rupert Franse

My Selection -
PaDavies 89.06%, ArBartlett 9.38%, DaHitchman 0%, PaSmith 0%

Section 9

Steve Kelly/John Carter/Joe Galipo/Lou Moretti
Bill Fraser/Allan Taylor/Ross Dolton/Willie Tan
Mark Wunnenburg/Mark Schinzig/Graeme Jose/Richard Schinzig
Steve Novak/Beau McGrechan/Danny Comrie/Chris Booth

My Selection -
StKelly 12.5%, BiFraser 3.13%, MaWunnenburg 23.44%, StNovak 60.94%

Section 10

Kristian Carr/Tyrone Alberti/Lee Such/Mark Rollings
William Brandsma/Mark Gill/Robert Chalmers/Bailey McDonnell
Wayne Olive/Dwayne Wooltorton/Colin Smeeton/Mark Thomas
Darren Rowland/Mark Masel/Adam Graham/Kyle Cornell

My Selection -
KrCarr 43.75%, WiBrandsma 15.63%, WaOlive 0%, DaRowland 40.63%

Section 11

Jim Bowden/Brian Eather/Marcus Bowden/Tony Williams
Sam Perica/Paul Smith/Jason Titherage/Mick Marovic
Frank Carbone/Mark Potente/Bob Farrant/Simon Maddy
Brett Tie/Phil Hutchinson/Dylan Hardwick/Joel Hitchcock

My Selection -
JiBowden 1.56%, SaPerica 78.13%, FrCarbone 15.63%, BrTie 4.69%

Section 12

Kyle McIlroy/Stewart Gosstray/Stephen Cerff/Gavin Falkner
Garry Beckwith/Daniel Slade/Murray White/Jonathan Jermalinski
Chris Carruthers/Scott Foran/Paul Imrie/Jim Hanafee
Chris Lander/Paul Hoskins/Peter Massey/Neil McMurtrie

My Selection -
KyMcIlroy 81.25%, GaBeckwith 3.13%, ChCarruthers 4.69%, ChLander 10.94%

Section 13

Tony Krajancic/Joe Marevic/Ivan Mateljak/Mirko Musulin
Cameron Hoffman/Terry Cranswick/Les Onley Jr/Mitch Cranswick
Jim Buchanan/Michael Sweeney/Steve Richards/Joe McGinlay
Marcus Sear/Pat Keeffe/Craig Edson/Mick Simms

My Selection -
ToKrajancic 6.25%, CaHoffman 3.13%, JiBuchanan 78.13%, MaSear 12.5%

Section 14

Clive Adams/Warren Holt/David Downey/Cameron Harris
Daniel Trewhella/Shane Knott/Corey Bessant/Cam Green
Reza Vind/Peter Chappell/Grahame Measepp/Allan Herbert
Markus Merz/Craig Buchanan/Rob Carlshausen/Michael Lake

My Selection -
ClAdams 37.5%, DaTrewhella 62.5%, ReVind 0%, MaMerz 0%

Section 15

Peter Cole/Brad Cole/Joel Thorington/John McCooke
Ryan Moyle/Brad White/Brad Pearce/Blair Griffiths
Kelvin Ruffell/Anthony Passeretto/Simon Elsey/Michael Passeretto
Kyle Fittler/Peter Giralt/Peter Tassell/Gary Beale

My Selection -
PeCole 17.19%, RyMoyle 82.81%, KeRuffell 0%, KyFittler 0%

Section 16

Paul Knight/Chris Leggett/Peter Augustson/Wade Clatworthy
Ian Bowes/Douglas Ellis/Ian Butler/Trevor Verran
Justin Opie/Ross Bresland/Glenn Pauling/Scott Walker
Gary Caffell/Aaron Kriletich/Pierre Geenacker/Edan Manfis

My Selection -
PaKnight 3.13%, IaBowes 0%, JuOpie 95.31%, GaCaffell 1.56%

Section 17

Matteo Massari/David Newton/Gary Ogg/David Smith
Daryl Radford/Todd Weir/Anthony Cocodis/Mike Monteiro
Segan Pasalich/Shane Loftus/Andrew Pasalich/Sean Niven
Brad King/Stephen Fewster/Mike Ford/Stephen Beckwith

My Selection -
MaMassari 0%, DaRadford 1.56%, SePasalich 71.88%, BrKing 26.56%

Section 18

Shane Guidice-Nairn/Joel Leeson/Jon Scott Trotter/Ben Leggett
John Goddard/Lance Goddard/Peter Walker/Gordon King
Bruce Eagles/Chris Margin/Peter Flack/Jerome Clayton
Barry Kalinowsky/Wayne Langborne/Phil Coxon/Dave Fitzpatrick

My Selection -
ShGuidiceNairn 71.88%, JoGoddard 3.13%, BrEagles 25%, BaKalinowsky 0%

Section 19

Steven Wattleworth/John Bartorillo/Geoffrey Devenish/Garry Booker
Ben Horwood/Todd Hampshire/Clint Dyer/Matt McEwen
Wayne Heldt/Michael Carey/Andrew Lill/Mark Ellis
Daniel Brown/Kevin McKay/Cameron Wilson/Chadd Hunt

My Selection -
StWattleworth 3.13%, BeHorwood 4.69%, WaHeldt 1.56%, DaBrown 90.63%

Section 20

David Goddard/Callum Williams/Geoff Watson/Calvin Rodgers
Marcus Simpson/Stuart Sweetman-Wright/Marcus Weston/Keith Fyles
Jim Newton/Trevor Higham/Lionel Mundri/Leon Bertei
Karl Vandersluys/Gary Ford/Paul Hickey/Alan Andersson

My Selection -
DaGoddard 31.25%, MaSimpson 12.5%, JiNewton 1.56%, KaVandersluys 54.69%

Section 21

Matt Allen/Matthew Ngui/Hugo Vriezen/Mark Holt
Ruairi Kenyon/Matthew Whitely/Simon Alden/Ian O'Neill
Rawley Lang/Tony Churcher/Peter Lees/Tony Regan
Daniel Hartzer/Callum Arnold/Stephen Hyde/John O'Brien

My Selection -
MaAllen 23.44%, RuKenyon 67.19%, RaLang 0%, DaHartzer 7.81%

Section 22

Russell Bates/Brad Ball/Tim Hanney/Dominic Milburne
Murray Siegert/Paul Gertz/Douglas Kelly/Darel Hudson
Bruce Clarke/Paul McPherson/Toby Bywaters/Mark Ashton
Matthew Mitchell/Nathan Jones/Miles Kemp/Scott O’Brien

My Selection -
RuBates 20.31%, MuSiegert 0%, BrClarke 0%, MaMitchell 79.69%

Section 23

Rob Bowron/Ryan Havercroft/Greg Reagan/Geoff Bovell
Mike Vitale/Gary Gregson/Matthew Buttel/Warren Lee
Ken Wolfenden/Wayne Butler/Phil Becker/Colin Coxon
Stuart Lofthouse/Tba Tba/Tba Tba/Tba

My Selection -
RoBowron 75%, MiVitale 9.38%, KeWolfenden 14.06%, StLofthouse 1.56%

Section 24

Addy Wetzler/Anthony Williams/Tom Whitfield/Charlie Slavich
Ron Bates/Tim Hyatt/John Solly/Mark Simpson
Shaun Donohoe/Peter Bogan/Paul Gregory/Pat Heasman
Ryan Brown/Dale Marsland/Tristan Massang/Kevin Crowle

My Selection -
AdWetzler 39.06%, RoBates 9.38%, ShDonohoe 3.13%, RyBrown 46.88%

Section 1

Maggie Newton/Jan Gleeson/Karyn Mears/Carol Bennetts
Deborah Watson/Sue Robinson/Kerry Robinson/Sue Edwards
Donna Blackwell/Rhonda Prosser/Kaye Blackwell/Kerry Andersen
Tracey Clements/Sandra Boyes/Kerry Boyes/Blake Marjorie

Hatties Selection -
MaNewton 1.56%, DeWatson 1.56%, DoBlackwell 95.31%, TrClements 3.13%

Section 2

Liz Matthews/Sharon Lynch/Sue Hogg/Saffronne Alden
Jane Lewis/Debbie Povey/Gayle Murphy/Janice Miles
Maureen Cooney/Jenny Parker/Jacinta Zadow/Renate Coote
Anne Waters/Judy Dean/Michelle Van de Ven/Debbie Beesley

Hatties Selection -
LiMatthews 75%, JaLewis 9.38%, MaCooney 12.5%, AnWaters 1.56%

Section 3

Adrienne Bellairs/Trish Wren/Glenda Hollingsworth/Shirley De Jong
Jenni McLaughlin/Annette Campbell/June Barr/Carol Booker
Catherine Sharp/Shari Solly/Amanda Masters/Shaan Saunders
Klaire Hughes/Cathie Smith/Pamela Smith/Catherine Chappelle

Hatties Selection -
AdBellairs 0%, JeMcLaughlin 12.5%, CaSharp 84.38%, KlHughes 4.69%

Section 4

Anne Blechyendon/Judy Flanagan/Sherryl Dagostino/Vicki Baliel
Karen Miller/Beryl Cooper/Gwenda Andrews/Anne Hornibrook
Charmain Harris/Shona Carter/Kerry Hutchinson/Nikki Athenides
Amanda Heiner/Judy Fenner/Rhonda Porter/Diane Bryans

Hatties Selection -
AnBlechyendon 26.56%, KaMiller 15.63%, ChHarris 35.94%, AmHeiner 23.44%

Section 5

Gayle George/Lesley Gould/Kellie Grant/Dot Waller
Helen Morss/Sandra Hemphill/Amanda Ladlow/Lilly Djukic
Karen McKinlay/Kerrie Hudson/Sue Brown/Kaye Hughes
Lucy Tinley/Debbie McCavana/Chris Bolt/Erica Andersson

Hatties Selection -
GaGeorge 1.56%, HeMorss 93.75%, KaMcKinlay 6.25%, LuTinley 0%

Section 6

Robyn Marland/Patience Hoad/Tba Tba/Lee Gray
Carol Ashworth/Jenny Jones/Lynda Coxon/Susan Collins
Vicki Spragg/Lexie Webster/Roma Dunn/Vicki Warne
Lily Lee Leach/Coral Smith/Nerrida Porteous/Robyn Woodward

Hatties Selection -
RoMarland 1.56%, CaAshworth 1.56%, ViSpragg 96.88%, LiLeach 1.56%

Section 7

Claire Buchanan/Zanthe Baxter/Jennifer Shemeld/Sripaiwan Buttanu
Lee Bunney/Deb Rhine/Janet Cocks/Maree Lumsden
Pam Chalmers/Sian Smith/Rinske Butcher/Pauline Bourne
Sharon Whana/Yai Heron/Jill Warburton/Audrey Bateup

Hatties Selection -
ClBuchanan 0%, LeBunney 0%, PaChalmers 101.56%, ShWhana 0%

Section 8

Noelene Abe/Bev Davidson/Shelley Radcliff/Irene Leahy
Heather Clatworthy/Helen Hitchcock/Sandra Tope/Sue Kondratjuk
Jennifer Bruce/Alexandra Harris/Jill Gumbleton/Wendy Stower
Linda Davis/Kerry Stephens/Faye Obrien/Helene Thurston

Hatties Selection -
NoAbe 95.31%, HeClatworthy 3.13%, JeBruce 3.13%, LiDavis 0%

Section 9

Sharyn Mercer/Vicky McLean/Tba Tba/Noeleen Keeffe
Rosemarie Lenzo/Jackie Bennett/Yvonne Trotter/Annalyn Powell
Claire Ferguson/Tamara Arnold/Temiel Newton/Jodie Nikolic
Kathleen Gobbart/Debra Whitely/Robyn Cooper/Julie Savell

Hatties Selection -
ShMercer 3.13%, RoLenzo 1.56%, ClFerguson 14.06%, KaGobbart 82.81%

Section 10

Kristina Krstic/Hailey Packer/Lisa Brannan/Therese Hastings
Joanne Lancaster/Esther Forbes/Clare Smith/Lynne Yates
Sally Wilke/Ruby Leggett/Casey Gilchrist/Jeannie Gullotti
Lisa Featherby/Chris Ace-Watson/Denise Kelly/Linda Warburton

Hatties Selection -
KrKrstic 81.25%, JoLancaster 0%, SaWilke 0%, LiFeatherby 20.31%

Section 11

Karen Gaglia/Carole Roe/Robin Tilbrook/Gail Botting
Irene Arndt/Debbie Smith/Karina Gale/Elizabeth Marshall
Irene Grout/Sharyee Hayes/Chris Johnston/Wendy Flack
Wendy Dolton/Kerry White/Sandy Simpson/Chris Polain

Hatties Selection -
KaGaglia 0%, IrArndt 85.94%, IrGrout 12.5%, WeDolton %

Section 12

Karen Clarke/Emma Doherty/Hannelie Viljoen/Carol Bennett
Helen Stevens/Debbie Saunders/Kaitlin Tyrrell/Lisa Smith
Robin Angel/Deborah Kalinowsky/Heather Pryce/Christine Ellis
Glenda Cooper/Lily Rughoobur/Lynn Moffat/Tba Tba

Hatties Selection -
KaClarke 1.56%, HeStevens 96.88%, RoAngel 3.13%, GlCooper %

Section 13

Kerry West/Patricia Huckson/Linda Young/Deb Rundell
Jillian Russell/Jan Power-Tuke/Ann Sauerwein/Leanne Scott
Michelle Leeson/Anne Carlshausen/Dot Glass/Faye Capewell

Hatties Selection -
KeWest 17.19%, JiRussell 7.81%, MiLeeson 75%, %

Section 14

Julie Davison/Kelly Bezant/Peita Alberti/Michelle Armstrong
Caroline Soro/Cathy Potts/Sandra Everest/Tba Tba
Margie Johnson/Robin Higgins/Delys Fox/Joan Falconer

Hatties Selection -
JuDavison 0%, CaSoro 0%, MaJohnson 0%, %
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