State Singles 2025
82 - Tristan Massang
81 - Graeme Alp, Shane Smith
80 - Marcus Weston, Sally Wilke, Wayne Molloy
79 - Gavin Faulkner, Scott Walker, Stephen Beckwith, Steve Kelly
78 - Matt Pennington , Peter Flack, Brad Gillingham, Dale Marsland
77 - Glenn LYNCH , Jeff Eaton
76 - Clive Busch, Todd Hampshire, Ty Alberti
75 - Callum Alberti , Elliott Brannen , Grant Nicol, Jamie Conway, John Holman, Mark Masel
74 - Jamie Coghlan, Paul Gerdtz, SHANE SHAW, Steve Harris
73 - Peter Wachmer, Alan Britton, Anthony Einfeld, Bruce Fullagar , Clint Dyer, Greg Reagan, Mark Wunnenberg
72 - Brett Tie, Mitchell Cranswick, Peter Roberts , Phil Hutchinson
71 - Terry Cranswick
70 - Aaron Smith , Ben Horwood, Garry Booker, Justin Wright, Nat Fyfe, Shane O Anning, Steve Novak
69 - Brent Fielding, Deb Saunders, Eddy Hammond, Kellie Nairn
68 - Mike Turner, Nev Stevens
67 - Barry Crawford , Blake Butler, Otto Dawson
66 - Anthony Monson, Jim Newton, Ruby Leggett, Wesley Neilson
65 - Cam Wellington, Jeremy Thomas, Norman Fathers, Peter Coffey
64 - Danny Comrie, Paul Sinden
63 - Brian Davis
61 - Paul Hunter
60 - James Groves, Jimmy Buchanan
59 - John Wardroo
54 - Ryan Brown
53 - Maurice Bevilacqua
50 - Robert Carlshausen
43 - Amy Smythe
41 - Ryan Newick
Name16th Jan17th Jan18th Jan19th Jan
C Bessant33/150/175/180/1

Name16th Jan17th Jan18th Jan19th Jan
Total Tipsters - 83

Section 1

Tyrone Alberti - Osborne Park
John Percival - South Perth
Brian Cranswick - Lake Monger

My Selection -
TyAlberti 78.31%,JoPercival 19.28%,BrCranswick 0%

Section 2

Greg Reagan - South Perth
Travis Lynch - Glen Forrest
Luke Bolton - Cambridge

My Selection -
GrReagan 13.25%,TrLynch 14.46%,LuBolton 72.29%

Section 3

Trevor Thompson - Willetton
Clint Dyer - North Perth
Glenn Martin - Scarborough

My Selection -
TrThompson 6.02%,ClDyer 12.05%,GlMartin 81.93%

Section 4

Brandon Heta - Doubleview
Graeme O'Neill - Osborne Park
Matt Watson - Bassendean

My Selection -
BrHeta 74.7%,GrONeill 3.61%,MaWatson 18.07%

Section 5

Wayne Clegg - Cockburn
Peter Webster - Safety Bay
Heath Rabey - Forrestfield

My Selection -
WaClegg 24.1%,PeWebster 69.88%,HeRabey 4.82%

Section 6

Jim Bowden - Leeming
Garry Atkinson - Bassendean
Terry Prendergast - North Perth

My Selection -
JiBowden 74.7%,GaAtkinson 14.46%,TePrendergast 10.84%

Section 7

Steve Keen - Margaret River
Jed Shepherd - Merredin
Peter Wernicke - Quinns Rocks

My Selection -
StKeen 7.23%,JeShepherd 73.49%,PeWernicke 19.28%

Section 8

Mark Forrester - Thornlie
Jack Newton - Yanchep
Brett Parker - Lake Monger

My Selection -
MaForrester 78.31%,JaNewton 10.84%,BrParker 10.84%

Section 9

Richard D'Souza - Yokine
Tynan Cox - Bayswater
Leone Fasolo - Bassendean

My Selection -
RiDSouza 32.53%,TyCox 9.64%,LeFasolo 22.89%

Section 10

Donald Jones - Wongan Hills
Charles McKay - Victoria Park Carlisle
Pj Gallagher - Innaloo

My Selection -
DoJones 22.89%,ChMcKay 56.63%,PjGallagher 20.48%

Section 11

Ryan Moyle - Doubleview
Mark Slomp - Bayswater
Richard Herbert - Osborne Park

My Selection -
RyMoyle 98.8%,MaSlomp 1.2%,RiHerbert 0%

Section 12

Robert Bowron - Kardinya
Clive Adams - Cambridge
Glenn Sewell - Forrestfield

My Selection -
RoBowron 12.05%,ClAdams 86.75%,GlSewell 1.2%

Section 13

Johnathon Davidson - Manning
Ian Carr - Goomalling
Charles Wass - Coorow

My Selection -
JoDavidson 61.45%,IaCarr 36.14%,ChWass 2.41%

Section 14

Christopher Lawrence - Cockburn
Warren Holt - Manning
Wayne Butler - Northam

My Selection -
ChLawrence 0%,WaHolt 98.8%,WaButler 1.2%

Section 15

Michael Lake - North Perth
Greg Parker - Lake Monger
Scott Gallon - Safety Bay

My Selection -
MiLake 18.07%,GrParker 7.23%,ScGallon 74.7%

Section 16

Mark Menzies - Bedford
Barry Kalinowsky - Warnbro
Mark Gill - Kalamunda

My Selection -
MaMenzies 1.2%,BaKalinowsky 74.7%,MaGill 24.1%

Section 17

Daniel Philpott - Corrigin
Phil Potts - Sorrento
Jim Newton - Leeming

My Selection -
DaPhilpott 2.41%,PhPotts 50.6%,JiNewton 46.99%

Section 18

John Firth - Cockburn
Mitchell Cranswick - Mosman Park
Ben Leggett - Mount Lawley

My Selection -
JoFirth 0%,MiCranswick 3.61%,BeLeggett 96.39%

Section 19

Glenn Yabuka - Warwick
David Reagan - South Perth
Laurie Scott - Osborne Park

My Selection -
GlYabuka 50.6%,DaReagan 32.53%,LaScott 15.66%

Section 20

Maurice Bevilacqua - North Perth
Shane Smith - Quinns Rocks
Trevor Higham - Leeming

My Selection -
MaBevilacqua 12.05%,ShSmith 78.31%,TrHigham 9.64%

Section 21

Justin Wright - Willetton
Paul Smith - Manning
Harry Arnott - North Perth

My Selection -
JuWright 20.48%,PaSmithMan 73.49%,HaArnott 2.41%

Section 22

Simon Alden - Bassendean
Brad Ball - Pinjarra
Gregory Millar - Osborne Park

My Selection -
SiAlden 38.55%,BrBall 61.45%,GrMillar 0%

Section 23

Ray Wemm - Osborne Park
Tom Vlahos - Joondalup
Chris Booth - Kardinya

My Selection -
RaWemm 3.61%,ToVlahos 21.69%,ChBooth 74.7%

Section 24

Matt Orchard - Osborne Park
Ian Moore - North Perth
Neale Griffin - South Perth

My Selection -
MaOrchard 8.43%,IaMoore 1.2%,NeGriffin 90.36%

Section 25

Peter Wilson - Quinns Rocks
Mark Thomas - Kalamunda
Mike Steen - Osborne Park

My Selection -
PeWilson 4.82%,MaThomas 86.75%,MiSteen 8.43%

Section 26

Kevin Pickering - Osborne Park
Brent Fielding - North Beach
Stein Davies - Bassendean

My Selection -
KePickering 66.27%,BrFielding 2.41%,StDavies 31.33%

Section 27

Clint Herold - Geraldton
Jason O’brien - Halls Head
Brad Gillingham - Cambridge

My Selection -
ClHerold 2.41%,JaO’brien 0%,BrGillingham 97.59%

Section 28

Greg Freeman - Leeming
Danny Watson - Warnbro
Paul Kelly - Yokine

My Selection -
GrFreeman 8.43%,DaWatson 9.64%,PaKelly 81.93%

Section 29

Matthew Whitely - Bassendean
Dean Connell - Midland Morrison
Amos Polglaze - North Perth

My Selection -
MaWhitely 95.18%,DeConnell 2.41%,AmPolglaze 1.2%

Section 30

Chris McKenna - North Perth
Peter Allen - Stirling
Wayne Davidson - Bedford

My Selection -
ChMcKenna 95.18%,PeAllen 3.61%,WaDavidson 1.2%

Section 31

Cliff Wooldridge - Cambridge
Mitch Newton - Yanchep
Graham Miller - Dudley Park

My Selection -
ClWooldridge 83.13%,MiNewton 6.02%,GrMiller 9.64%

Section 32

Cam Green - Mount Lawley
Stu Lofthouse - Cambridge
Gary Ford - Leeming

My Selection -
CaGreen 90.36%,StLofthouse 6.02%,GaFord 3.61%

Section 33

Hugh Ward - Quinns Rocks
Derek Gibson - Cockburn
Charlie Slavich - Doubleview

My Selection -
HuWard 1.2%,DeGibson 2.41%,ChSlavich 96.39%

Section 34

Terry Cranswick - Mosman Park
Grant Nicol - Osborne Park
Tommy Doleman - North Perth

My Selection -
TeCranswick 16.87%,GrNicol 81.93%,ToDoleman 1.2%

Section 35

Vern Merchant - Bunbury
Paul Allen - Yanchep
Ryan Newick - Safety Bay

My Selection -
VeMerchant 19.28%,PaAllen 10.84%,RyNewick 69.88%

Section 36

Rawley Lang - Rossmoyne
Pierre Geenacker - Osborne Park
Glenn Pauling - South Perth

My Selection -
RaLang 2.41%,PiGeenacker 2.41%,GlPauling 95.18%

Section 37

Hugo Vriezen - Kardinya
John Isgar - Warnbro
Marcus Weston - Rockingham

My Selection -
HuVriezen 43.37%,JoIsgar 8.43%,MaWeston 46.99%

Section 38

Russell Bates - Pinjarra
Shane Anning - Midland Morrison
Peter Clark - East Fremantle

My Selection -
RuBates 93.98%,ShAnning 3.61%,PeClark 2.41%

Section 39

Brian Eather - Leeming
Gary Burley - Perth

My Selection -
BY 1.2%,BrEather 74.7%,GaBurley 24.1%

Section 40

Daniel Trewhella - Mount Lawley
Paul Hickey - Leeming
Tui Niwa - North Beach

My Selection -
DaTrewhella 96.39%,PaHickey 1.2%,TuNiwa 2.41%

Section 41

Daniel Bam - Bindoon
Robert Lipple - Leeming
Callum Arnold - Yanchep

My Selection -
DaBam 6.02%,RoLipple 7.23%,CaArnold 86.75%

Section 42

Matthew Mitchell - Emu Point
Steve Mulhall - Kwinana
Callan Watson - East Fremantle

My Selection -
MaMitchell 98.8%,StMulhall 1.2%,CaWatson 0%

Section 43

Geoff Watson - North Beach
Blake Nairn - Cambridge
Travis Leahy - Kardinya

My Selection -
GeWatson 0%,BlNairn 100%,TrLeahy 0%

Section 44

John Carrigan - Quinns Rocks
Calvin Rodgers - Harvey
Alan Andersson - Leeming

My Selection -
JoCarrigan 12.05%,CaRodgers 57.83%,AlAndersson 30.12%

Section 45

Kyle Fittler - Margaret River
Shane Shaw - Yokine
Brad White - Doubleview

My Selection -
KyFittler 6.02%,ShShaw 13.25%,BrWhite 80.72%

Section 46

Blake Butler - Manning
Gerard Donaldson - Kardinya
Paul Kain - Joondalup

My Selection -
BlButler 95.18%,GeDonaldson 1.2%,PaKain 3.61%

Section 47

John Carlsen - North Beach
Kyle McIlroy - Doubleview
Paul Wellington - Harvey

My Selection -
JoCarlsen 4.82%,KyMcIlroy 93.98%,PaWellington 0%

Section 48

Kevin Crowle - Cambridge
Troy Kinnane - South Perth
Neil Edwards - Manning

My Selection -
KeCrowle 13.25%,TrKinnane 83.13%,NeEdwards 3.61%

Section 49

Carel De Jager - Halls Head
Stephen Buckley - Sorrento
David Park - Kalamunda

My Selection -
CaDeJager 2.41%,StBuckley 66.27%,DaPark 30.12%

Section 50

Tod Weir - South Perth
John Holman - Bassendean
Mane Marovic - Stirling

My Selection -
ToWeir 79.52%,JoHolman 10.84%,MaMarovic 9.64%

Section 51

Dom White - Osborne Park
Karl Vandersluys - Leeming
Mick Palumbo - Mount Lawley

My Selection -
DoWhite 1.2%,KaVandersluys 89.16%,MiPalumbo 9.64%

Section 52

Robert Carlshausen - North Perth
Ryan Havercroft - South Perth
Callum Alberti - Osborne Park

My Selection -
RoCarlshausen 2.41%,RyHavercroft 21.69%,CaAlberti 75.9%

Section 53

Harper Wass - Coorow
Lloyd McKay - Bassendean
Peter Burgess - Cockburn

My Selection -
HaWass 9.64%,LlMcKay 78.31%,PeBurgess 12.05%

Section 54

Edan Manifis - Osborne Park
Wayne Molloy - Doubleview
Gary Keep - Collie

My Selection -
EdManifis 20.48%,WaMolloy 4.82%,GaKeep 74.7%

Section 55

Paul Knight - Sorrento
Greg Oversby - Midland Morrison
Doug Ellis - Halls Head

My Selection -
PaKnight 96.39%,GrOversby 1.2%,DoEllis 1.2%

Section 56

Daniel Hoyne - Como
Bryan Hunter - Osborne Park
Anthony Burnham - Cockburn

My Selection -
DaHoyne 2.41%,BrHunter 67.47%,AnBurnham 30.12%

Section 57

Mark Potente - Kalamunda
Chris O’donnell - Comet Bay
Denis Tapley - Leeming

My Selection -
MaPotente 95.18%,ChOdonnell 1.2%,DeTapley 1.2%

Section 58

Aidan O’sullivan - Mosman Park
Michael Vitale - Stirling
Markus Merz - North Perth

My Selection -
AiOsullivan 7.23%,MiVitale 21.69%,MaMerz 71.08%

Section 59

Ian O'Neill - Bassendean
Mark Rollings - Osborne Park
Wayne Trawinski - Lake Grace

My Selection -
IaONeill 2.41%,MaRollings 93.98%,WaTrawinski 1.2%

Section 60

Gavin Faulkner - Doubleview
Ty Vandertogt - Osborne Park
Scott Palmer - Cambridge

My Selection -
GaFaulkner 85.54%,TyVandertogt 12.05%,ScPalmer 2.41%

Section 61

Declan Wilson - Warwick
Todd Hampshire - North Perth
Matt Dragicevich - Stirling

My Selection -
DeWilson 1.2%,ToHampshire 80.72%,MaDragicevich 18.07%

Section 62

Brad King - Geraldton
Graham Falconer - Ellenbrook
Pieter Grove - Osborne Park

My Selection -
BrKing 80.72%,GrFalconer 6.02%,PiGrove 13.25%

Section 63

Frank Tyson - Joondalup
Timothy Yates - Doubleview
Chris Margin - North Beach

My Selection -
FrTyson 2.41%,TiYates 3.61%,ChMargin 93.98%

Section 64

Mat Hoskin - Manning
Shane Rixom - Joondalup
Andrew Tennant - Cambridge

My Selection -
MaHoskin 2.41%,ShRixom 53.01%,AnTennant 43.37%

Section 65

Ryan Brown - Osborne Park
Brian Davis - Armadale
Ralph Murray - South Perth

My Selection -
RyBrown 55.42%,BrDavis 43.37%,RaMurray 1.2%

Section 66

Matt Allen - Kardinya
Ron Thomas - Quinns Rocks
Ray Rebeiro - Bayswater

My Selection -
MaAllen 96.39%,RoThomas 1.2%,RaRebeiro 1.2%

Section 67

Wesley Neilson - Bassendean
Wally Harvey - Rossmoyne
Durwin Melbin - Coorow

My Selection -
WeNeilson 81.93%,WaHarvey 15.66%,DuMelbin 1.2%

Section 68

Ron Rogers - Sorrento
Beau McGrechan - Kardinya
Kevin Ashman - Gosnells

My Selection -
RoRogers 12.05%,BeMcGrechan 87.95%,KeAshman 0%

Section 69

Richard Schinzig - Moodiarrup
Tristan Massang - Osborne Park
Chris Lander - Scarborough

My Selection -
RiSchinzig 13.25%,TrMassang 21.69%,ChLander 65.06%

Section 70

Cliff Wemm - Yokine
Bruce Clarke - Goomalling
Matthew Criddle - Thornlie

My Selection -
ClWemm 8.43%,BrClarke 83.13%,MaCriddle 8.43%

Section 71

Simon Maddy - Kalamunda
Brett Havercroft - North Perth
Andrew Ryley - Boddington

My Selection -
SiMaddy 18.07%,BrHavercroft 75.9%,AnRyley 4.82%

Section 72

Rhys Cummings - Forrestfield
Kyle Cornell - Mount Lawley
David Fetherstonhaugh - South Perth

My Selection -
RhCummings 39.76%,KyCornell 57.83%,DaFetherstonhaugh 2.41%

Section 73

David Cosgrove - Doubleview
James Groves - Joondalup
Marcus Sear - South Perth

My Selection -
DaCosgrove 4.82%,JaGroves 9.64%,MaSear 85.54%

Section 74

Geoffrey Pinkus - Mt Pleasant
Dante Burnham - Cockburn
Chris Carruthers - Safety Bay

My Selection -
GePinkus 0%,DaBurnham 7.23%,ChCarruthers 92.77%

Section 75

Stephen Beckwith - Gingin
Joe Cukela - Geraldton
Jeremy Thomas - Osborne Park

My Selection -
StBeckwith 74.7%,JoCukela 4.82%,JeThomas 20.48%

Section 76

Ashley McMahon - Rockingham
Ian Eichfuss - Morley
Mitchell Biglin - South Perth

My Selection -
AsMcMahon 1.2%,IaEichfuss 0%,MiBiglin 98.8%

Section 77

Mark Wunnenberg - Manning
Jimmy Buchanan - Cambridge
Scott Walker - South Perth

My Selection -
MaWunnenberg 9.64%,JiBuchanan 16.87%,ScWalker 73.49%

Section 78

Stephen Garner - Kardinya
Dale Marsland - Osborne Park
Shane Giudice-Nairn - Geraldton

My Selection -
StGarner 2.41%,DaMarsland 31.33%,ShGiudiceNairn 66.27%

Section 79

Steve Wood - North Beach
Stephen Harris - Byford
Segan Pasalich - Osborne Park

My Selection -
StWood 1.2%,StHarris 1.2%,SePasalich 97.59%

Section 80

Richard Aitken - North Beach
Paul Davies - South Perth
Brian Wright - Kardinya

My Selection -
RiAitken 3.61%,PaDavies 95.18%,BrWright 1.2%

Section 81

Clinton West - Pickering Brook
Paul Brotherston - Cockburn
Bill Roelofs - South Perth

My Selection -
ClWest 3.61%,PaBrotherston 79.52%,BiRoelofs 15.66%

Section 82

Reza Vind - Rossmoyne
Lindsay Atkins - Rockingham
Peter Cole - Pinjarra

My Selection -
ReVind 6.02%,LiAtkins 2.41%,PeCole 91.57%

Section 83

Nino Gullotti - Doubleview
David Downey - Manning
Clive Penaluna - Thornlie

My Selection -
NiGullotti 0%,DaDowney 97.59%,ClPenaluna 1.2%

Section 84

David Goddard - Eaton
Cam Wellington - Harvey
Jim Robertson - Mid. Beach

My Selection -
DaGoddard 83.13%,CaWellington 8.43%,JiRobertson 8.43%

Section 85

Joel Leeson - Denison
Corey Bessant - Mount Lawley
Stuart Binnie - Wanneroo

My Selection -
JoLeeson 30.12%,CoBessant 68.67%,StBinnie 1.2%

Section 86

John Wellington - Harvey
Laurence Kelly - Mount Lawley
Jason Titheradge - Manning

My Selection -
JoWellington 7.23%,LaKelly 51.81%,JaTitheradge 40.96%

Section 87

Ashley Warner - Osborne Park
Jamie Conway - Cambridge
Marcus Simpson - Rockingham

My Selection -
AsWarner 1.2%,JaConway 32.53%,MaSimpson 66.27%

Section 88

Robert Parker - Mount Lawley
Bradley Barbuto - Morawa
Paul Smith - Perth

My Selection -
RoParker 8.43%,BrBarbuto 6.02%,PaSmithPT 79.52%

Section 89

Mark Ridge - Margaret River
Scott O’brien - Manning
Michael O'Brien - Balingup

My Selection -
MaRidge 4.82%,ScObrien 92.77%,MiOBrien 2.41%

Section 90

Kristian Carr - Goomalling
Paul Hosking - Scarborough
Kelvin Crosby - Emu Point

My Selection -
KrCarr 90.36%,PaHosking 3.61%,KeCrosby 6.02%

Section 91

Matt McEwen - North Perth
John Slavich - Doubleview
Jan Konig - Sorrento

My Selection -
MaMcEwen 4.82%,JoSlavich 95.18%,JaKonig 0%

Section 92

Peter Hilsz - Swan
Anthony Burrows - Quinns Rocks
Gary Bennett - South Perth

My Selection -
PeHilsz 36.14%,AnBurrows 25.3%,GaBennett 37.35%

Section 93

Bruce Eagles - Sorrento
Joshua Vlahos - Joondalup
Phil Becker - Northam

My Selection -
BrEagles 91.57%,JoVlahos 6.02%,PhBecker 2.41%

Section 94

Ian Cornthwaite - Midland Morrison
Louie Beurteaux - Victoria Park Carlisle
Miles Kemp - Manning

My Selection -
IaCornthwaite 4.82%,LoBeurteaux 8.43%,MiKemp 85.54%

Section 95

Matthew Mortensen - Safety Bay
Aaron Kriletich - Osborne Park
Grant Allen - Cambridge

My Selection -
MaMortensen 18.07%,AaKriletich 25.3%,GrAllen 55.42%

Section 96

Peter Holmes - Kardinya
Connor Biddle - Osborne Park
Jose Rebelo - Safety Bay

My Selection -
PeHolmes 2.41%,CoBiddle 97.59%,JoRebelo 0%

Section 97

Lou Moretti - South Perth
Leigh McIlvenny - Margaret River
Chris Orchard - Osborne Park

My Selection -
LoMoretti 60.24%,LeMcIlvenny 15.66%,ChOrchard 24.1%

Section 98

Cameron Hoffman - Mosman Park
Peter Callison - Mount Lawley
Craig Edson - Rossmoyne

My Selection -
CaHoffman 80.72%,PeCallison 6.02%,CrEdson 13.25%

Section 99

Jack East - Osborne Park
Andrew Dixon - Warwick
Jason Godden - Perth & Tatts

My Selection -
JaEast 100%,AnDixon 0%,JaGodden 0%

Section 1

Anne Carlshausen - Denison
Kelli Wray - Cockburn
Judy Flanagan - Brunswick District

Hattie's Selection -
AnCarlshausen 4.82%,KeWray 69.88%,JuFlanagan 21.69%

Section 2

Terri Berecz - Quinns Rocks
Sharyee Hayes - Waroona
Kerry White - Manning

Hattie's Selection -
TeBerecz 15.66%,ShHayes 12.05%,KeWhite 68.67%

Section 3

Ruby Leggett - North Perth
Jodie Nikolic - Yanchep
Jennie Bruce - Busselton

Hattie's Selection -
RuLeggett 72.29%,JoNikolic 1.2%,JeBruce 22.89%

Section 4

Jenni McLaughlin - North Beach
Tamara Arnold - Yanchep
Tracy Firth - Cockburn

Hattie's Selection -
JeMcLaughlin 63.86%,TaArnold 26.51%,TrFirth 4.82%

Section 5

Laura Butler - Manning
Helen Stevens - Osborne Park
Cathy Little - Warwick

Hattie's Selection -
LaButler 92.77%,HeStevens 3.61%,CaLittle 0%

Section 6

Kerry Reagan - South Perth
Esther Forbes - Wyalkatchem
Alexandra Harris - Busselton

Hattie's Selection -
KeReagan 75.9%,EsForbes 3.61%,AlHarris 16.87%

Section 7

Jeannie Gullotti - Mosman Park
Emma Doherty - Quinns Rocks
Amanda Masters - Osborne Park

Hattie's Selection -
JeGullotti 7.23%,EmDoherty 2.41%,AmMasters 84.34%

Section 8

Elaine Robinson - Leeming
Julie Savell - Osborne Park
Sally Wilke - North Perth

Hattie's Selection -
ElRobinson 0%,JuSavell 14.46%,SaWilke 81.93%

Section 9

Michelle Leeson - Denison
Christine Atkins - Rockingham
Pamela Smith - Mosman Park

Hattie's Selection -
MiLeeson 43.37%,ChAtkins 2.41%,PaSmith 59.04%

Section 10

Jan Gleeson - Leeming
Kerrie Hudson - Morley
Lily Rughoobur - North Beach

Hattie's Selection -
JaGleeson 26.51%,KeHudson 51.81%,LiRughoobur 18.07%

Section 11

Linda Bye - Joondalup
Sian Smith - York
Debra Whitely - Bindoon

Hattie's Selection -
LiBye 4.82%,SiSmith 84.34%,DeWhitely 7.23%

Section 12

Klaire Hughes - Mosman Park
Wendy Flack - Sorrento
Lexie Webster - Safety Bay

Hattie's Selection -
KlHughes 9.64%,WeFlack 27.71%,LeWebster 59.04%

Section 13

Barbara Rogers - North Beach
Deb Saunders - Cambridge
Cathie Smith - Mosman Park

Hattie's Selection -
BaRogers 0%,DeSaunders 92.77%,CaSmith 3.61%

Section 14

Chris Ace-Watson - Mosman Park
Claire Ferguson - Yanchep
Jane Lewis - Mount Lawley

Hattie's Selection -
ChAceWatson 87.95%,ClFerguson 3.61%,JaLewis 4.82%

Section 15

Deborah Matthews - Thornlie
Dot Glass - Northam
Helen Morss - South Perth

Hattie's Selection -
DeMatthews 1.2%,DoGlass 1.2%,HeMorss 93.98%

Section 16

Barbara Lord - Warwick
Annalyn Powell - Mount Lawley
Glenda Cooper - North Beach

Hattie's Selection -
BaLord 2.41%,AnPowell 13.25%,GlCooper 80.72%

Section 17

Christine Thomason - Cockburn
Helen Heal - Manning
Carol Bennetts - Leeming

Hattie's Selection -
ChThomason 2.41%,HeHeal 93.98%,CaBennetts 0%

Section 18

Kristina Krstic - Manning
Jennifer Duthoor - Warwick
Maggie Newton - Leeming

Hattie's Selection -
KrKrstic 96.39%,JeDuthoor 0%,MaNewton 0%

Section 19

Claire Buchanan - Joondalup
Lisa Brannan - Mt Pleasant
Noela Woodward - Cambridge

Hattie's Selection -
ClBuchanan 24.1%,LiBrannan 68.67%,NoWoodward 3.61%

Section 20

Jenny Parker - Mosman Park
Brooke Chaney - Bassendean
Kathleen Gobbart - Gingin

Hattie's Selection -
JeParker 54.22%,BrChaney 6.02%,KaGobbart 36.14%

Section 21

Kerry Andersen - Mosman Park
Lisa Day - Carnarvon
Sue Brown - Morley

Hattie's Selection -
KeAndersen 86.75%,LiDay 4.82%,SuBrown 4.82%

Section 22

Pam Chalmers - Osborne Park
Yvonne Trotter - Scarborough
Sue Edwards - Halls Head

Hattie's Selection -
PaChalmers 95.18%,YvTrotter 1.2%,SuEdwards 0%

Section 23

Kaitlin Tyrrell - Manning
Shaan Saunders - Osborne Park
Terri Kirkpatrick - Rockingham

Hattie's Selection -
KaTyrrell 39.76%,ShSaunders 55.42%,TeKirkpatrick 1.2%

Section 24

Kerry Hutchinson - Sorrento
Deidre Kitson - Safety Bay
Irene Kozak - Port Bouvard

Hattie's Selection -
KeHutchinson 83.13%,DeKitson 3.61%,IrKozak 8.43%

Section 25

Karyn Mears - Leeming
Suzanne Aitken - Comet Bay
Lisa Featherby - Mosman Park

Hattie's Selection -
KaMears 1.2%,SuAitken 0%,LiFeatherby 93.98%

Section 26

Sharon Whana - Katanning
Grace McMahon - Rockingham
Michelle Lazenby - Geraldton

Hattie's Selection -
ShWhana 13.25%,GrMcMahon 12.05%,MiLazenby 71.08%

Section 27

Peita Alberti - South Perth
Elizabeth Marshall - Sorrento
Joanne Lancaster - Beacon

Hattie's Selection -
PeAlberti 66.27%,ElMarshall 15.66%,JoLancaster 14.46%

Section 28

Sandra Simpson - Manning
Audrey Bateup - Dumbleyung
Fiona Panting - Geraldton

Hattie's Selection -
SaSimpson 69.88%,AuBateup 18.07%,FiPanting 8.43%

Section 29

Anne-Marie Pritchard - Cockburn
Lisa Smith - Perth
Jocelyn Butler - Bassendean

Hattie's Selection -
AnPritchard 3.61%,LiSmith 84.34%,JoButler 8.43%
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