Leaving money to bowling clubs as part of your will
Click Here for the full news article. Is there anyone here who has left part of their estate to their bowlo?
The Darcy Effect

2nd October 24 - I'm sure most people are aware of Matt Mitchell and wife Kate and the business they have created The Darcy Effect which helps kids like Darcy and the medical issues they have. It's going gangbusters, and they have 2 events coming up if you want to support them. Click Here for the VIP event in November and Click Here for the Fangs on the Farm premiere

Womens Internations
Womens Internations

Perth & Tatts new members
Perth Tatts

State sides 2024
MENS (skips listed first):
Anthony Williams, Shane Giudice-Nairn, Warren Holt, Ben Leggett
Blake Nairn, Brad White, Bill Brandsma, Scott Walker
Jack East, Clive Adams, David Downey, Russell Bates
IN: Shane Giudice-Nairn, Brad White, Ben Leggett, Russell Bates
OUT: Daniel Trewhella, Cody Packer, Shane Knott, Blake Butler

Lisa Featherby, Shari Solly, Denise Kelly, Jenny Parker
Hailey Packer, Helen Stevens, Kaitlin Tyrrell, Debbie Saunders
Kristina Krstic, Chris Ace-Watson, Lisa Brannan, Lisa Smith
IN: Shari Solly, Debbie Saunders
OUT: Donna Blackwell, Linda Warburton

Click Here to see Round 1 summary from Bowls WA.
Bowls night of night occurred on Thursday, well done to these winners -

CONNIE HICKS MEDAL - Kristina Krstic
SMALL CLUB OF THE YEAR - North Perth/Victoria Park Carlisle
COACH OF THE YEAR - Chris Tibbits
UNDER-18 PLAYER OF THE YEAR - Callum Alberti


4th June 23 - The annual Bowls WA awards night have been held, congratulations to all our winners. Thanks to Perth Pennants for the summary, below you will find all our winners -

Country Club of the Year - Pinjarra.
Small Country Club of the Year - Gingin.
Metro Club of the Year - North Beach.
Small Metro Club of the Year - Mount Lawley.
Coach of the Year - Kelli Wray.
Junior Bowler of the Year - Callum Alberti.
Ladies Over 60’s Player of the Year - Kathy Gobbart.
Men’s Over 60’s Player of the Year - John Goddard.
Ladies State Player - Kristina Krstić.
Men’s State Player - Anthony Williams.
Ladies Country Bowler of the Year Award - Karen Gaglia.
Men’s Country Bowler of the Year Award - Warren Holt.
Ladies Bowler of the Year - Chris Ace-Watson.
Men’s Bowler of the Year - Cody Packer.
Volunteer of the Year - Ivan Perica
Official of the Year - Ryan Havercroft and Terry Koltasz.

Dream Teams.
Ladies - Country. Noelene Abe, Kerry Andersen, Daisy Berryman, Norma Brimson, Val Budd, Kaye Burton, Essie Chadwick, Peg Currie, Jean Dixson, Roma Dunn, M Elder, Billie Ennis, Mary Fowler, Kathy Gobbart, Noeleen Keeffe, Julie Lindsay, B Moulton, Lee Poletti, Bev Scott, Jean White.
Ladies Metro. Bev Baker, Laura Butler, Edna Cheffins, Luriline Connell, M Crowther, Lisa Featherby, W Fitzgerald, Beryl Godfrey, Phylis Grey, Bernice Guile,Meg Hams, Therese Hastings, Netje Holland, Smiljana Jakovich, Kristina Krstic, Helen Morss, Gladys Sharp, Mary Underwood, Norma Wainwright, Dolour Witton.
Men’s Country. Aussie Bailey, Milton Bandy, Gary Caffell, Maurice Crameri, Keith Doncon, Colin Fleay, Wally Grafton, Brian Harris, Pieter Harris, Warren Holt, Hubert Littler, Jim McDonald, Matthew Mitchell, Jack Osmetti, Dave Scott, Jon Sharp, Jim Stapleton, W Stewart, Ron Taylor, Geoff Whyatt.
Men’s Metro. Clive Adams, Robbie Ball, Gil Clement, Geoff Ellis, EJ Ford, John Goddard, John Gustafson, Jeff Hall, Les Holloway, Branko Katunarich, Dennis Katunarich, Marko Krajancic, Geoff Oakley, John Rainoldi, Peter Sardelic, Ron Sexton, Bert Sharp, Harry Snook, Steve Srhoy, Graeme Wishart.

The Bowls WA Umpires Committee are very active in promoting and training new umpires.
Very important with the State Sides series and Champion of Champions events being held in Perth this year and 2025.
Recently Stephen Beckwith of Gingin and David Killisch von Horn of Bassendean passed their ITO exams and have been accepted by World Bowls as International Technical Officials.
Additionally, Vicki Eva of Mosman Park, Anne Crabb of Manning and Hilton Dembo of Mt Lawley were re-accredited as ITO's.
As current ITO's, Ryan Havercroft of South Perth, Sharon Lyster and Sue Hogg of Manning, Gavin Ebsworth of Merriwa and Elaine McDonald of Eaton make a total of 10 in WA. For context England has 9, and South Africa and Canada 1 each.
To officiate at World Bowls Championships and Commonwealth Games, an ITO qualification is mandatory.
Whilst umpiring and marking a game of bowls is not everybody's cup of tea, it is an opportunity to put something back into the sport and see some top notch games at close quarters.
And without qualified umpires, either national or international, our competition games cannot be played.
National Umpire courses are available online now, or in the time honoured format of face to face learning.
To anyone who is interested, go to the BowlsWA website for further information on the availability and timing of umpiring education opportunities.
Or approach any of the above named umpires.


I recently misplaced/lost 2 of my Greenmaster bowls at Kardinya Bowling Club, where I am a member.
I am wondering if any players out there would be prepared to sell me a set of Greenmaster XV-0ne, size 3 or 4.
Need them in a hurry as club singles are coming up.
Hoping you can help me.
Thanks very much.

Silvio Vassallo
Phone 9332.2510/ or Lynden on 0484 348 772


3rd August 22 - The various state sides have been announced, Click Here to read the article from Bowls WA
For those not wanting to scroll thru to last years teams the changes are -
In - Jack East (debut), Shane Knott (cap 165)
Out - Glenn Pauling, John Slavich
In - Linda Warburton (cap 146), Denise Kelly (cap 153)
Out - Donna Blackwell, Lisa Brennan
In - Eric Johannes, Gary Keep, Ross Bolton, Gordon King
Out - Gary Caffell, Bruce Eagles, AJ Heal, Neale Griffin
In - Lexie Webster, Kaye Blackwell, Sharon Whana
Out - Linda Warburton, Pam Chalmers, Helen Heal

1st August 22 - On Saturday 30th July Bowls WA conducted their AGM, preceded by a Forum. At the forum a number of changes to the conditions of play were outlined, Click Here to see what is coming up for Metropolitan Pennants. Some interesting changes and if anyone has some feedback send in a letter.

6th June 22 - The Bowls WA awards night was held last Friday, Click Here for a summary of the night and award winners, thanks to Bowls WA

13th September 2021 - Click Here to read the latest from the Past Presidents Association. Someone in that group recommended the site, so thankyou for the kind words.

10th August 2021 - Neville has updated his paperwork, you can find the overview here and the rules here.
3rd Jun 18 - Neville Friedman has written a comprehensive document on what he believes to be the future of bowls. It is interesting reading, if you or your club want more information and want to be involved you can write directly to Neville at
The document can be found here.

Bowls WA Awards Night 2021 29th May 21 - The yearly awards night was held last night at the Royal Perth Golf Club, thanks to Perth Pennants for summarising the winners below and congratulations to all individuals and clubs who rec'd awards. Congrats on a strong year to you all

Under 18 Bowler of the Year - Segan Pasalich (Osborne Park).
Women's Over 60s Bowler of the Year - Lee Poletti (Mosman Park).
Men's Over 60s Bowler of the Year- Chris Lander (Sorrento).
Bowls WA Club Coach of the Year- Geoff Stevenson (Joondalup).
Bowls WA Volunteer of the Year- Graeme Jacques (Maylands).
Country Club of the Year – Boulder Bowling Club.
Country Club of the Year (Small) – Tammin Bowling Club.
Metro Club of the Year – Joondalup Bowling Club.
Metro Club of the Year (Small) - Mt Lawley Bowling Club.
Penny Needham Award : Women's Country Bowler of the Year - Chris Ace-Watson (Boulder).
Vice Patrons Medal : Men's Country Bowler of the Year - Aaron Smith (Esperance) and Warren Holt (Wagin).
Connie Hicks Brooch : Women's Bowler of the Year - Kristina Krstić (Manning).
Rosenthal Medal : Men's Bowler of the Year - Blake Nairn (Cambridge).
Mens over 60s pairs postponed


Due to the following circumstances the Men’s Over 60’s State Pairs have been postponed to a date in the future, meaning no further play this week.
A majority of venues have either not completed, and in one venues case, not started the sectional rounds
There is the forecast for some more rain tomorrow (Tuesday). While it is not forecast enough to cancel single games e.g. pennant, it has the possibility of not allowing a whole days play to be completed in the case of sectional play, further delaying the event.
Venues and volunteer organisers were not necessarily available.
The venues draw was not set up to play a combination of sectional play and knockout play on the same day, with some section winners required to play other section winners at a different venue.
Their was no way to catch up and play the finals on Wednesday and if there were further delays tomorrow, combined with metro midweek pennant on Thursday, the finals may not have been able to be completed this week.
A date has not been decided upon at the moment but further information will be emailed and shown on the Bowls WA website once a decision has been made. As per Law 32 below, all games played will be honoured and unfinished games will pick up from where they left off. If players have cards of unfinished games they should either return them to their venue or keep hold of them for when the fixture resumes.

32 Game stoppages
32.1 If a game is stopped because of darkness, weather conditions or any other valid reason by:
32.1.1 the Controlling Body;
32.1.2 the umpire after an appeal has been made by the players; or
32.1.3 agreement between the players when an umpire or a representative of the Controlling Body is not present;
the game must be continued either on the same day or on a different day. The scores will be as they were when the game was stopped.

Start time for Round1 of Saturday Pennants announced

Serving of food for pennants and carnivals

Mount Lawley Consistency Singles

The Mount Lawley Bowling Club has officially abandoned the running of the Men’s and Women’s Mount Lawley Consistency Singles events for 2020.
This is the first time since running of the Men’s event commenced 42 years ago that the club has been forced to take such action.
The club’s plan to have artificial surfaces in place for the running of this year’s events has been severely impacted by COVID-19 related entry restrictions into Western Australia since partial funding for the replacement surfaces was confirmed in June 2020.
The artificial surfaces have been in storage in Perth since mid-July but unfortunately since late June the specialist installation team have had numerous applications and appeals for entry permits rejected. That was until today when the person responsible for the installation of the surfaces received his entry permit.
The delay in commencing the greens conversion work means there is insufficient time to undertake the conversions in time for the revised start date of the events.
The club will now work around the clock to get one or more of the three new surfaces in place for the opening of the 2020-21 pennant season.
The Mount Lawley Bowling Club will have three Pro-Master “Ultra Cool Plus” Synthetic Greens for the majority of the upcoming pennant season and for the running of the Mount Lawley Consistency Singles in 2021.

Yours sincerely
Terry Conley
MLBC President

Blue South Team of the year

Based on what I have witnessed this past pennant season, what I know about bowlers in general and using the statistics from the bowls website I have come up with the following team.
Submit your team for a challenge.

Skip Vandersluys (Leeming), Unkovich(Spearwood), Wachmer (Fremantle), Riggio ( Thornlie)
Skip Owen (S.Bay), Carruthers (S Bay), Vaughan (Thornlie), Nicol (Gosnells)
Skip Beckwith (Thornlie), Dan Newton (Hilton), J Newton (Leeming), M Hughes (Manning)
Skip Holland (Gosnells), Hall (S Bay), Simms (Vic Park), Foran (Safety Bay)

Captain Vandersluys
Reserves: Kennedy (Safety Bay), Simpson (Hilton), Rees (Manning)
Champion of champion events to be played

Following discussion with the Bowls WA Board and willingness by Bowls Australia to run the national event, the WA Club Singles Champion of Champions event is to be held over the weekend of 12th-13th September.
A number of factors were considered in the decision to host the event:
• The importance of the pathway event in leading to a national and world champion,
• The relatively small number of qualifying participants,
• The minimal intrusion into club carnivals as they seek to generate income following restrictions,
• The number of clubs who have finalised their club singles champions or are able to in the weeks/months ahead.
The national event host will be the Dandenong Bowling Club in Victoria and will be played on the 7th-8th December.
Of course, the WA representatives will be subject to the current border restrictions between states and territories, the outcome of which are clearly unknown at this time.
Entry Forms for qualifying 2019/2020 club singles champions will be available shortly.

Bowls WA
Coronavirus updates

27th April 20 - Click Here for the Bowls WA announcement and Click Here for the Bowls Australia announcement
16th March 20 - This today from Bowls WA -
This afternoon the Bowls Australia Board, key BA Staff and the State and Territory Chief Executive Officers met by teleconference to review the current scenarios facing the sport in light of the COVID-19 virus.
It was agreed that any decision made must be in the best health interests of the competitors, club staff and volunteers, particularly given the age demographic of our sport. In addition, any decisions made must acknowledge the advice of health authorities and government, both state and federal.
As a result of this advice, Bowls Australia will make an announcement tomorrow morning regarding the continuance of events for the foreseeable future.
Following that Bowls WA will make a follow up announcement on the future conduct of pennants, ladies country week and state events.

City vs Country

24th Feb 19 - The annual city vs country game to be played at Osborne Park is this Thursday night commencing at 6.30pm. It is a bit different this year in that it is usually the state side plus 3 rinks against the country but with no sate side known at this stage, it has become a true city side. I like it and hopefully it will continue down this path for the future, and the match can be used as a guide for state selection going forward. The matches and players are listed below -
City v Country all stars
North v South Bushfire Fundraising appeal

20th February - Final bit of information on the night.
BBQ will be ready from 5:45pm.- Burgers
Please bring cash! The club wont be able to facilitate everyone taking cash out.
$4 Schooners of Hahn 3.5- All money goes to the relief fund. (2 Kegs)
Raffle 1- set of Henselite Bowls and Drakes Pride bag
Raffle 2- Set of Taylor GTR's, Taylor Bag, Shirt and Hat
Raffle 3- Click Here for all prizes.
Rink Draws
Rink 1
D. Trewella, B. Nairn, A. Smith, L. Warburton
S. Knott, H. Morss, R. Tiller, S. Walker
Rink 2
J. Slavich, B. Brandsma, P. Chalmers, L. Bolton
D. Brown, L. Such, K. Mackay, V. Spragg
Rink 3
D. Marsland, L. Poletti, S. Gosstray, M. Masel
D. Rankin, N. Reagan, T. Alberti, L. Merz
Rink 4
C. Adams, S. Loftus, L. Featherby, C. Harris
A. Williams, G. Pauling, N. Jones, T. Leahy
Rink 5
B. Manton, S. Alden, H. Stevens, J.East
J. Opie, S. Patterson, C. Biddle, A. Southern
Rink 6
C. Packer, R. Ball, K. Andersen, B. Sheppard
K. Krstic, S. Glasson, R. Dunn, B. Hogg

13th February - Please refer to the map below for parking for the event.
South Perth Parking options
We encourage anyone planning to drink on the night to either catch an Uber or taxi. There is a taxi rank straight across the road from the club.
All parking in the highlighted areas is free after 6pm.
If you arrive before 6pm and park in the Bowling Club car park, be sure to get a parking ticket from the club so that you don’t get a ticket!

11th February - The captains rinks have been finalised.
NORTH - C Packer, R Ball, K Andersen, B Sheppard
SOUTH - K Krstic, S Glasson, R Dunn, B Hogg

21st January - We are giving away both a North and South of the River shirt to one lucky winner!
To enter the draw, all you have to do is donate to our GoFundMe page via the link below.- $10 Minimum donation.
*Please include your name with your donation.
Winner will be drawn and contacted on Tuesday 21st January 12:00 ASWT.
*All donations made to the GoFundMe page go directly to the Australian RedCross Disaster Relief Fund.

17th January - The teams have been announced, strong lineups from both sides with the mysterious captains rinks not yet announced. What do they have up their sleeve? North v South bushfire 2019
North v South bushfire 2019
16th January - The shirt orders are in the same system as online event entry. Please fill out all relevant information, size can be selected from the drop down menu below sizing guide, team(north or south) can be selected from the drop down menu below shirt design, ensure if you intend to pick your shirt up from Bowls WA you selected the $50 option, if you need your shirt posted you will need to select the $60 option and fill out delivery details. Ignore the “competition entered” alert after your order.
Orders must be in by 21st January to allow time for production and delivery.
Click Hereto order your shirt
North v South bushfire 2019
North v South bushfire 2019
14th February - In an effort to raise money for the bush fire relief fund, an exhibition game between North and South of the river will be played Friday 21st February at the South Perth Bowling Club from 6pm. Nominations close on Monday 13th and sides will be selected on Tuesday the 14th February

We are excited to announce the talented Perth Suns pairing of Cody Packer (North) and Kristina Krstic (South) are on board and have been named captains of their respective sides. We are now encouraging all players to express their interest to play in the event. If you are interested in being involved on the night or supporting in any way, please contact me via my email

You can also like and share our Facebook page. There are plenty of exciting details to follow in the coming week and Facebook will be best way to keep up to date with all them.

A GoFundme page has been set up with donation going directly to the Australian Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund. All donations are greatly appreciated.

Dyenamic Sublimation have generously offered a great discount on team shirts for both side to wear on the night. Shirts will be available for anyone to purchase for $50 each. All profits will be donated to the Fund.
Please show your appreciation and support by visiting their website here

Southeast Asian Games 2019

Congratulations to go to Fremantles Matthew Ngui who has claimed a bronze medal in the Southeast Asian Games being played in the Phillipines. Well done Matthew, that is certainly a great effort by you and your team.
Southeast Games 2019
Over 60's State Side Series

21st October 2019 - It all gets under way today, the mens side is listed below and the Ladies I will list now -

Abe (Corrigin), Warburton (Mosman Park), Davidson (Kukerin), Arndt (Safety Bay)
Cocks (North Beach), Prosser (North Beach), Bourne (Sorrento), Marshall (Sorrento)
Poletti (Geraldton), Jolly (Manning), Matthews (Manning), Parker (Mosman Park)

September 2019 - Congratulations go to the 12 men over 60's Western Australian representatives listed below. It was a tough year to choose the 12, including Lindsay 'Prickles' Thorn who has missed out this year for the first time. Roger Barns paid especial tribute to Prickles, Lindsay has been there right from the start initially as selector and player and has been involved in all 13 years that WA have fielded a side. He won the 1st 'McKenzie/Barns' medal awarded for best player and is the leading games played for WA. Well done Lindsay.
The teams to play at Ettalong commencing 21st October for 3 days are (skipper listed first)-

Goddard (Hopetoun), O'Neill (Osborne Park), Keep (Collie), Nicol (Gosnells)
Perica (Cambridge), Gryta (Mosman Park), Cerff (Doubleview), King (Osborne Park)
Lander (Sorrento), Pike (Bassendean), Hayes (Quairading), McNamara (Doubleview)
IN: Goddard, Keep, King
OUT: Thorn, Cerff, G Caffell (injured)

Full story can be found here at Bowls WA

Australian Champion of Champions - Singles
This week sees South Perth Bowling Club host the 2019 Australia Champion of Champions.
Fields of eight men and eight women will compete for the title and the right to represent their country at the World Champion of Champion Singles to be held in Adelaide.
Representing Western Australia at the event are Noelene Abe (Corrigin) and David Rankin (Kardinya) who both qualified by winning their club singles championships last season and the subsequent state finals.
The women's field boasts BCiB Australian Jackaroos Dawn Hayman and Carla Krizanic, New Zealand international representative Katelyn Inch as well as Colleen Orr, winner of this title in 2017.
Another Jackaroo, Ray Pearse features in the men's side of the draw which includes former South African international representative Eric Johannes.
The tournament lasts three days, with three games on each of Wednesday and Thursday followed by a morning session only on Friday. Play will commence at 9:00am every day in the round-robin format.
Club parking bays are limited and so spectators are requested to consider car pooling if bringing their vehicle to the event. Special parking arrangements have also been negotiated with the City of South Perth.
Spectators who present to the South Perth Bowling Club carpark after it is full will be issued with an event pass permitting free street parking in any bay on Lyall or Bowman streets.
South Perth Bowling Club is easily accessed by public transport with bus services from the city frequenting Labouchere Road. The club is only a five minute walk from the regular ferry services that stop at the Mends Street Jetty.
The link to the event website can be found here while scores and standings will be update by Bowls Australia here

There is a big month ahead in the PBA world. Hailey Packer will leave soon for her shot at the Scottish open, and shotly afterwards the PBA Trans Tasman challenge will be played against our NZ counterparts. They are coming here, and closer to that time I will post details of our WA players and where it will be played.
It's a great series of tournaments, and you can now register your interest to play in the event next year. It will be played at the Stirling Bowling Club on the weekends of 18th/19th July and 25th/26th July. If you want to play, send Perth Pennants a message of Facebook or email at

Broadbeach 5-a-side

This year the Helensvale 5 A side carnival has been been taken up by the Broadbeach Club as Helensvale are unable to host this year.
The Cambridge Club will once again represent not only itself, but the Bowling fraternity of WA.
For those that are not aware, the tournament, with $60,000 in prize money, is regarded as probably the best Bowls tournament in the world. A host of International players represent numerous large Clubs in the East, and along with most of the best bowlers in Australia, form an ultra impressive line up.This year there are also 2 teams from New Zealand as well.
Cambridge have a strong line up with Clive Adams, Pieter Harris, Lance Strahan, Cameron Harris and Trystan Smallacombe as a marque player.
The tournament commences on Monday 2nd September for 3 days with the top four sides slugging it out on the fourth day for the spoils.Play commences at 9.00am and finishes around 6.30pm, so very long days ahead for the boys.
Singles - We will attempt to keep those interested with updates as often as possible.

Graeme Archell - Up All Night Walk-a-thon

I bowl at Vic Pk Carlisle ( Go The Reds ) & on 30th November shall be “Up All Night” and walking 42 kms on behalf of the Ronald McDonald House to help sick children.
I know so many of the wonderful gentlemen who bowl in this state would be happy to sponsor this old fart in his 42km marathon walk if they were aware that one of their ilk was trying to help the kids.
My page on Facebook ( GRAHAM ARCHELL ) will provide access to “" or alternatively - click here
To anyone who might wish to donate either of above will enable you to do so.
Is anything more deserving of our love & care than a sick child.

See you on the green.

WA Junior Sides

The WA Junior State Side, selected to contest the National Junior Side Series at Bendigo Bowls VIC from October 1st to 4th, has been announced. Ken Perks (Head Coach – Morley), Shane Smith (Assistant Coach – Quinns Rock), and Lee-Anne Green (Team Manager – North Beach) have chosen a team that will seek to compete against the best young players in the country with the difficult selection process based on participation and performance in squad selection practices.

Boys Team
Singles Jack East
Pairs Jack East & Marcus Simpson (Sk)
Triples Cory Day, Segan Pasalich, Patrick Quinlan (Sk)
Fours Cory Day, Segan Pasalich, Patrick Quinlan, Marcus Simpson (Sk)

Three of the 2018 players remain with Cory Day (Carnarvon), Jack East (Rossmoyne) and Marcus Simpson (Bassendean); while Patrick Quinlan (Osborne Park) returns to the current Side after a one-year absence, and new selection Segan Pasalich (Stirling) is welcomed.

Girls Team
Singles Emmalyn Aarts
Pairs Emmalyn Aarts, Ruby Leggett (Sk)
Triples Racquel Cross, {VIC PLAYER}, Olivia Cross (Sk)
Fours Racquel Cross, {VIC PLAYER}, Olivia Cross, Ruby Leggett (Sk)

The girls have grown in size this year having four players, up from two in 2018, and WA will continue to combine with this years host State to complete Side requirements. The remaining female player from last year, Ruby Leggett, will take up position as Skip this year while of the three new players Emmalyn Aarts (Wonthella) will take the Singles position and lead in the Pairs while sisters Olivia and Racquel Cross (Dudley Park) will combine in both Triples and Fours!

{reference Bowls WA}

Perth Suns

16th July 19 - Bowls WA have announced the Perth Suns side to compete in BPL 10, the link to the full story is here
I feel for Shane and John who have given great service to the Perth Suns and bowls in WA, but I do like the new side. Cody is in career best form and someone new to blood in high pressure situations and give him some more exposure to the top level, Kristina is all quality and if she wasn't in our side she would be in someones side that's how good she, and how about the resume of Lee Schraner! So many club, state, group and national titles! His selection will divide some people who sit on the "promote WA players" fence, with others on the "I want to see the Perth Suns be super competitive" fence. I'm a Libran and can see both sides, I love the selection of Schraner but it's sad to see it at the expense of some local talent. I will still watch the Suns and support as much as I can at home.
13th July 19 - Did see a Facebook post yesterday about the Perth Suns for BPL10 to be held at Pine Rivers in November. Whilst we are unsure who will take the field, we do know that both John Slavich and Shane Knott won't be there. I've enjoyed watching both of those guys as much as I always enjoy watching all Perth Suns representatives over the years, so thanks for the memories guys, you have played awesome and hopefully taken away a lot of experience which will be applied to the State Side in years ahead.
So who will be with the Perth Suns? We don't know, with Kristina Krstic on the edge of Australian selection then she appears to be a lock and the rumour is it will be a National or International skipper to take the reins with a new local to lead. More news to come and I'm sure Bowls WA will announce when the final side has been settled.

RSL Bowls Nationals 2019

Day 4 - Entering the final day there were 3 states with 1 loss, that being Victoria, NSW and WA. Victoria topping the ladder with the higher percentage. The last game saw Vic playing Tas and was beaten by the previously winless Tasmania only by 1 rink, that scoreline of 39-7 enough to carry the aggregate. NSW played SA indoors with SA ahead all game until the very last bowl, which then saw NSW win the end to draw the aggregate. So with WA playing Qld the equation became that a win would see them win the series overall. Queensland belted the hapless WA team on all 5 rinks by more than double the score. With the draw to NSW saw them with 7 points overall to grab the title, Queensland then leapfrogged everyone to finish 2nd on 6 points, with WA finishing 4th on 6 points as well on percentage.
In the Krantz (more will be explained about this later) WA finished 2nd to Victoria.
Murray Piggott, one of the skippers for the team suffered a heart attack on the Sunday, played Monday but has been admitted to hospital where he recuperates at the moment.
A rest day today and they commence the National Fours competition will commence Thursday, 6 sections of 6 teams, winners to play a knockout from Saturday onwards
Day 3 - Not much information to hand but early game against South Australia saw the WA team defeat SA 3 rinks to 2. In the afternoon game, we played the undefeated Victorians and triumphed by 10 shots on the aggregate
Day 2 - Results for the day as follows, 1 win on the indoor synthetic, 1 loss on the outdoor slow grass greens. A wet and cold day.
TrophySkipperWA vs NSWWA vs TasWA vs SAWA vs VicWA vs Qld
KrantzIan White25-917-1220-1020-2115-21
HamiltonMurray Piggott12-2519-1621-1010-2311-30 (Adams)
HamiltonMarcus Sear14-2227-715-2016-2010-33
HamiltonDaryl Radford20-1623-1324-1424-2115-17
HamiltonMarc Abonnel14-1816-2225-1521-1716-19
HamiltonGeoff White22-2029-1619-1827-1113-18
RSL Bowlers Day 1
Day 1 - Most of us arrived yesterday to a wet, windy and cold Victoria and we’re staying in Caroline Springs, which is the next suburb on from Deer Park. The Deer Park Bowling Club is huge, with an undercover green and 2 grass greens. We’ll have a roll up today and begin the Test Series tomorrow - there are 2 parts to the Carnival - a Test Series followed by the National Fours.
Line up for the Test Series looks something like this:

Rink No. Lead Second Third Skipper
Rink 1 (Krantz) - Frank Fletcher, John Weir, Rod Beazley, Ian White
Rink 2 (Hamilton) - Les Phillips, Echo Widermanski, Alan Hornby, Daryl Radford
Rink 3 (Hamilton) - Geoff Murray, Ken Stower, Jeff Adams, Murray Piggott
Rink 4 (Hamilton) - Darryl Wagstaff, Ron Monger, Phil Griffiths, Marcus Sear
Rink 5 (Hamilton) - Brian McMurdo, Brian Collins, Keith Cannon, Marc Abonnel
Rink 6 (Hamilton) - Ted Alden, Matthew Ngui, Ross Knapp, Geoff White
Krantz Emergencies - Ian Marshall, Mick Tuttle
Hamilton Emergencies - Brian Ellis, Bob Gillian, Terry Grocock, Eddie Hammond

Joondalup and Quinns Rocks junior coaching session

Joondalup Bowls Club and Quinn’s Rocks Bowling club are having a coaching and training session on Tuesday the 9th April at 4.30pm.
If there are any players male and female that are under 18 and would like to come along all are welcome from beginners to current players. You don’t have to be a member of a club just come along have a bit of fun and see what this great game of Lawn Bowls is all about.
All equipment will be supplied along with accredited coaches in attendance. There will be an opportunity to have some one on one coaching weather you are a beginner or a current player.
Players from all clubs are welcome along with Parents, Grand Parents being welcome as well.
This is a great opportunity to start a interclub Tournament that hopefully can be developed and be the start of a new generation of Lawn Bowlers.
There will be a sausage sizzle available from about 6.00pm
If you have any queries please call
Shane Smith Quinn’s Rocks Bowling Club on 0458588030 or
Chris Leggett Joondalup Bowling Club on 0408959157.

Flyer can be found here

2nd division - 4 games to go

2nd Div Blue
There are three stand out teams in this colour.
Sorrento1, Mt Lawley and Bedford are all having very good years, and any one of these three teams could finish on top. Stirling unfortunately will be demoted, having only won four rinks all year. John Carlsen from the Bedford club is the standout skip, not having lost a game to date, with a shots up difference of 167, well done John and teammates.

2nd Div Gold
The Quinns Rock sixteen are well on top in this colour, having lost only one aggregate this year. They are 15 points in front of Sorrento3.
Double view and Yanchep not looking good at the bottom of the table, but still four games to salvage something.
The top skip is Johnny Berecz, who is no slouch with a bowl in his hand, as we all know. Trevor Orton from Sorrento3 also doing well.

2nd Div Red
This colour is much tighter, with the Fremantle boys slipping a little since my last report, and giving Safety Bay and Leeming a sniff of top spot.
Kwinana and Spearwood languishing at the rear of the field.
Wachmer and Bacich, both from Freo are the leading skips.

2nd Div White
The Manning Eagles are assured of automatic promotion, as they sit a massive thirty two points clear of the second placed team in Gosnells. They have only lost one aggregate all year, and their sixteen contains a lot of ex Premier League players. They cannot possibly lose top spot from here. Vic Park Carlisle are assured of automatic demotion unfortunately.
The top three skips, namely Alan Pryce, Steve Hughes and Graham O'Brien are all from Manning.
In the last game, we can see that Merv Hughes and Peter Bowden, play at the front, what a start they must be giving Alan. Not sure of David Mcilhennys credentials, but he must be playing well also. Manning look like hosting the Pennant finals, but both Sorrento1 and Quinns a Rock are still a chance, Freo out of it.

3rd Div Blue
Bayswater are well on top at the moment, and they lead Wanneroo1, Dalkeith and Mt Lawley by a healthy twenty points. Unfortunately Innaloo and Cambridge not looking good at this stage, at the rear of the field.
Myers from Wanneroo, Croft from Mt Lawley and Col Walmsley from Bayswater all in the hunt for the coveted top skip title.

3rd Div Gold
The boys from Nollamara are certainly keen to get up to second division, and they look assured of that goal, as they are some twenty four points clear of the chasing pack, headed by Joondalup.
Valley and Wanneroo2 with not much hope of avoiding demotion unfortunately.
No stand out skippers, but Mills from Nollomara and " young " Doug Eaton from the Saints are on top at this stage.

3rd Div Red
The Basso boys are a healthy 15.5 points clear of the chasing Manning guys at this stage, Manning are very keen to get up to second div, and have been strengthen by the return to the fold of Murray Piggott.
Thornlie assured of demotion to fourth div.
Fewings from Forrestfield, and Trewern from Belmont the leading skips in a tight race.

4th Div Blue The Bedford Bulls are on top in this colour, and they lead the pack by some 13.5 points, quite a healthy break on the chasing field. It is very tight for the top three, with neighbouring clubs, Yokine and Nollomara, leading the charge behind Bedford. At the rear of the field come Morley, who have tried hard, but not won an aggregate all year, they will be demoted. The top skip/rink, is that one led by Ken Baisden, which has only lost two games all year, and has a shot difference of 143, a great effort guys. 4th Div Gold Sorrento are streeting the field in this colour, they lead Merriwa by the big margin of 14.5 points. They have only lost one aggregate all year, and they have a shot difference of a massive 269. This colour is very lop sided, with four clubs really dominating proceedings. Yanchep are running last at the moment, but they do have the chance of catching the eighth placed club in Warwick3. Top skip is Robert Tozer, who has won 10 out of eleven games. 4th Div Red South of the river teams are providing a very even contest here, with the top four teams, being Kardinya, Safety Bay, Kwinana, and Cockburn all within five points of each other. Spearwood bring up the rear of the field, and they look assured of automatic demotion unfortunately. The top three skips are Rusden, Kastropil, and Greatwood, who are all with a chance of grabbing top spot by seasons end. If memory serves me right, then Peter Kastropil is a former premier league player from the mighty Cockburn era. 4th Div White Willeton are 11.5 points clear of the second placed Armadale, and looking good for promotion at this stage. Willetton have a massive shot difference of 318, so when they win, they demolish the opposition.
It is a battle between these two only for top spot at seasons end.
Belmont City with a lot of work to do to avoid automatic relegation, some eleven points behind the eighth placed Gosnells1 team.
Barnett, Gavlik, and Noble-Garrett from Willeton occupy three of the top four skip spots, with Gavlik and his rink having won 11.5 games out of 13, with a huge shot difference of 152.

5th Div Blue
Claremont are leading second placed Mundaring by eight points with just four games to go, to finish the home and away series. I believe that this is Claremonts top side now, after a big exodus of players from the club last year. Lake Monger and Swan still with a rough show of avoiding demotion.
Three of the top four skips/rinks are from Claremont, and they are teams led by Marsland, Litchfield, and Howat. Goodman from Mt Lawley also doing well , occupying third spot.

5th Div Gold
The once proud and successful club in Scarborough are a good thirteen points of second placed Quinns Rock, and they look assured of promotion, as there are only a total of six aggregate points up for grabs in each game in the division.
Innaloo languishing at the bottom of the ladder and they will go down.
Barry Cole from Quinns, and John Higgs from Scarborough are leading their teams well, and sit one and two on the skip ladder.

5th Div Red
Very tight at the top of this colour, with only 6.5 points separating Kardinya on top and Safety Bay in fourth spot. Cockburn and Hilton Park sandwiched in between these two.
Fremantle and Melville will be demoted.
Barry Burley from the Kats is the leading skip, having won 11 out of 13 games, with a shot difference of a huge 161 points, obviously leading his team well.

5th White
The Manning Eagles lead this colour by six shots from Roleystone. The Manning club having a very good year all round, well up in most divisions.
Unfortunately, Belmont City and Armadale look likely to be demoted.
Peter Wheatcroft from Willeton is the leading skip, having won thirteen from fifteen games, with a shots up of one hundred and thirty three. I notice that Peter Bartoshefski is playing third in this rink, a very capable third in this division, and much higher.

6th Div Blue
There are only a maximum of eight points on offer in these games each week, between the rival clubs. But, I can tell you there are some mighty fine bowlers still trundling a bowl down, well done you great veterans.
South Perth are four points in front of Dalkeith-Nedlands1, with only three games to go for most sides.
North Beach are running last of those teams still participating.
Williamson from South Perth and Hopper from Dalkeith-Nedlands1 are the leading skips.

6th Div Red
There are eight clubs battling it out in this colour, with the Kardy Kats in front of the Manning Eagles by the solitary point. Running last at this point are the Como boys, who have fronted up each and every week, but have only won the one game to this point, a great effort guys.
Jim Foxton and his team have not lost a game, since Jim has been skip.

6th Div White
The Bedford Bulls lead the way by six points from Valley, so they are looking good to top the colour at seasons end.
Bayswater are running last, but to their credit they have managed to field a side each week, great loyalty.
Brian Hodder from Bedford leads the skip table from his teammate Ray Hutchings.

City vs Country

26th Feb 19 - The annual city vs country game to be played at Osborne Park and the teams for both sides have been announced. Play commences at 6.30pm and is usually a night of high standard bowls with some seriousness but also high enjoyment for players and spectators alike. If you want to see a quality hitout and want to support the city side composed of 3 rinks of the state side plus some invitees, come along to Osborne Park on Thursday.

State Team
M Mitchell, D Marsland, B Brandsma, R Bates
C Packer, A Williams, K McKay, L Grigg
D Rankin, D Brown, K McIlroy, S Walker
Invitation Team
S Alden, A Sharp, B Butler, G Faulkner
AJ Heal, S Loftus, W Holt, C Harris
S Novak, D Downey, P Davis, M Whitely
M Simpson, M Ayres, G Keep, R Bates
H Smith, P Jones, G Main, R Moselle
J Sharp, M France, R Plant, R Schinzig
J Smith, M Pennington, C Russell, G Watson
P Manning, B King, T O'Brien, S O'Brien
R Tiller, B Ball, C Schell, J Cowie

Kalbarri Capers

6th Feb 19 - Neville Friedman is taking a posse of bowlers to Kalbarri in May, trialling some new formats for competitions. If you want to be a part of the capers, click here for more detail

State Sides announced

Thanks to Bowls WA, the Ladies Side of 12 can be found here, and the Mens squad of 16 can be found here.

2nd division and under summary up to xmas

For those that are keen on keeping up with the happenings in the divisions below First Blue, you may like to peruse the jottings below:

2nd Div Blue
Sorrento1 have won their eight games so far, and have won 59.5 rinks out of 64, with a massive shots up of 274. This of course means that they are winning each aggregate by thirty four shots, simply outstanding. Colin Jasper and his rink have won their eight games so far, winning by an average of 11 or more each week, well done guys. When you have players of the calibre of Brian Kiely, Ron Rogers, Colin Jasper, Peter Crow, and Alan Walton, you can see why Sorrento are so strong.
Johnny Carlsen from Bedford is going great guns with his team, as he and his team have not lost a game, but have drawn one. Mark Masel from Mt Lawley also has not lost a game. Stirling will certainly be demoted, having won only two rinks so far.

2nd Div Gold
Quinns Rock are setting the pace here, having lost only one aggregate, but are being hotly pursued by Joondalup and Sorrento 3.
Sorrento 2 are not that far behind either, with Trevor Orton and his rink only losing one game so far, to lead the skips table. Yanchep and Doubleview are bringing up the rear, with some work to do after Xmas.

2nd Div Red
Fremantle are on top in this division, having lost only one game this year so far. They have a sizeable gap on the big chasing pack which includes Warnbro and Spearwood. Peter Wachmer from Freo, and Billy Baker from Warnbro are the leading skips, having only lost one game each. Dinko Bacich, also from Freo has won his seven games as skip.
Kwinana are sitting in last place, thus far, but are certainly not out of it, in trying to avoid relegation.

2nd Div White
Manning are leading quite comfortably, at this stage by 11.5 points over Forrestfield, who they soundly beat only on the last Saturday before the break, at Forrestfield to boot.
The Manning stalwart Alan Pryce and his team have not lost a game yet, and are winning by over eleven shots each week, a very good achievement. Just glancing thru the Eagles lineup, you see names like Brian Jeppesen, Steve Hughes, Alan Pryce, Greg Quann, Merv Hughes, John Andrews, Blake Butler, Peter Bowden, Bob Connell, all former Premier League players. Some still capable of playing up there I am sure. The Eagles look assured of getting there first division status back very quickly.
Unfortunately Vic Park Carlisle sit all alone at the bottom of the table, having won only three rinks out of sixty four so far, certain to be demoted, alas.

3rd Div Blue
Great to see that the Bayswater guys are well on top here, having won all of there eight games so far, with a massive shots up of 202. This means they are winning each aggregate by at least 25 shots, wow, some effort. Myers from Wanneroo, and Croft from Mt Lawley sitting on top of the skip table with eight win each. Innaloo, stone motherless last, and certain to be demoted.

3rd Div Gold
Nollamara and Joondalup, in that order, sit atop the table at Xmas, having gained a good break on the rest of the field. Wanneroo2 and Warwick with some work to do at the rear of the field, but it is a long race. Peter Roberts from Nollamara has seven wins as skip, and leads this table narrowly.

3rd Div Red
Nothing outstanding to report on here, but Bassendean are leading the field by 9.5 points, with Thornlie at the tail of the field.
Belmont. City stalwart, Laurie Trewern is the leading skip with seven wins out of eight, well done to you and your rink Laurie.

3rd Div White
Another tight contest, with most of the field still able to catch the leaders in Kardinya. Hilton bring up the rear, but they are not out of it.
Silvio Vassallo is the leading skip in a tight field, with a big chasing pack, eager to peg him back.

4th Div. Blue
Bedford have a bit of a break on the field at this stage, leading by 9.5 points from Yokine, two old established and proud clubs.
Morley bringing up the rear, with only six points for the year, and certain to be demoted.
The Ken Baisden rink from Bedford unbeaten so far, with eight wins out of eight.

4th Div. Gold
Sorrento to the fore again here, unbeaten at this part of the year, with a huge shot difference of 220. This of course means that they win each aggregate by over 27 shots, no mean feat.
Dalkeith- Nedlands are trying to keep them honest, and are just one full aggregate win behind.
Skip George Klug and his crew the leading rink so far, with 6.5 wins out of seven.
Yanchep at the bottom of the table, but still within reach of the teams above.

4th Div. Red
South of the river Cockburn are narrowly leading this division, being hotly pursued by Safety Bay and Kwinana. The Roosters are doing well in most of there divisions, so it looks like the new facilities are certainly paying off dividends, big time.
Spearwood and Leeming, with a lot of work to do at the rear of the field.
No outstanding skip news, but I notice that ex Cockburn Premier player, Peter Kastropil has won six out of eight for Kardinya.

4th Div. White
A tightly packed field in this colour, with Willeton on top, but only eight points in front of the fourth placed Pickering Brook. Belmont at the bottom of the ladder, with only one aggregate win to there name so far, but still with plenty of time to catch up to the field.

5th. Div. Blue
This division has three rinks only, and at this stage Claremont are on top, having lost only one game for the year. I think that this is Claremont's top side, a big drop from last year, when they nearly gained promotion to first division.
Lake Monger are at the rear of the table, but still with an opportunity to get out of relegation zone.
Laurie Goodman and his rink the only unbeaten team so far, with seven wins out of seven.

5th Div Gold
The once mighty Scarborough are sitting atop the ladder, not having lost an aggregate all year, but Sorrento are keeping them honest, only one full aggregate win behind.
Peter Judd and his rink of Greg Power, Steve Barrow and Tony Redden winning the first game of the year by some forty four shots.
There was once a time when Scarborough were the dominant force in Premier League, sporting such great players as Dennis and Brian Katunarich, John Rainoldi, " Prickles Thorn, Robbie Ball, Paul Richards, Tony Krajancic, Geoff Ellis to name just a few.
Innaloo are at the bottom, having won one aggregate, but Joondalup, who are yet to win this year, are four points in front of them.
Alex Third and his rink with seven wins out of eight, are on top of the skip table.

5th Div Red
It is a right old log jam at the top of the table, with four teams having won six out of eight aggregates. Hilton Park sit atop the ladder, but are closely followed by Bull Creek and Rossmoyne.
Fremantle, struggling at the bottom of the ladder, yet to have an aggregate win.
Tommy James from Hilton, has won seven out of eight games, to sit on top of the skip table.

5th Div White
Manning showing that they are a strong club right through the divisions, are on top of the ladder, but only narrowly from Roleystone.
Peter Wheatcroft and his rink from Willetton, yet to lose a game, winning all eight games so far.

6th Div'
This division has not played enough games yet to find any real determinations

Anyway, hope you have enjoyed the read during this long pennant break.

Premier League statistics

16th Dec 18 - My inner nerd has been collating 1st division skippers stats since 2005, so for Premier League, I have done this excel sheet showing everyone who has ever skippered in the PL and what their win rate is. There are 3 sheets, an alpha sort, a strike rate sort and a total games sort, if anyone is interested, click the link here

Bowls WA 2025 submissions

10th Dec 2018 - The Bowls Management Committee with approval from the Board has commissioned a new committee, the Bowls 2025 Committee, to consider the current forms of the game in this State and their on-going “fit for purpose” in a changing sporting environment. Initially the committee will focus on the offerings within the metropolitan pennant competitions.

The Committee includes BMC Chairman Marc Abonnel, BMC elected members Anne Lilley (Sorrento) and Ron Mance (North Beach), and appointed member Simon Alden (Bassendean). A further senior lady bowler is yet to be appointed.

Specifically, the committee will consider the suitability of the current format(s), structures and timings of the Men’s and Women’s pennant competitions; including Tuesday, Friday and Saturday ladies competitions and Thursday and Saturday men’s competitions.

The Committee now invites submissions from both individual bowlers and clubs on any or all aspects of the above metropolitan competitions, including any recommendation for variation or change.

Submissions will close on 28th February 2019, following which an interim report will be provided to the March BMC meeting.

Queries on submissions should be directed to the Chief Executive Officer, Ken Pride, his email address is

Mosman Park Bowling Club - Postponed PL Game vs Manning

5th Dec 18 - The scheduled game between Manning and Mosman Park yesterday in the Ladies Tuesday Premier League game was postponed because of the Australian Championships being played at the moment to Monday 10th Decebmer commencing at 6pm @ Mosman Park. If you want to see some high quality ladies bowls then get along to Mosman Park where fish and chips will be on sale and I'm sure Paul Walker has some ice cold beers as well.

Halls Head Bowling Club - Remembrance Day

Last sunday Rememberence Day, we had our club pairs championship on with 30 teams playing. All teams stopped prior to 11 am, to assemble with the flags at half mast. A moving ceremony was conducted by our mens bowls president Mick O'Halloran. he read the names out of the members who served in the forces, then Graham Steele read the ode, followed by a minutes silence. It was great to see the appreciation shown by all who attended last sunday.

kind regards.. Dean Higgon. RSL Bowling club - Diggers Day

15th Nov 18 - Around Perth there are not only the regular bowling clubs but also specific clubs like the Police Bowling Club, the Heartthrobs and the Firies, and also the RSL Bowls, aimed at people who are current or ex service personnel. They have a Diggers Day coming up on the 5th December and are putting out the call to anyone who fits that bill. It is being held at the Yokine Bowling Club, cost will be $10 PP but BYO lunch, and it sounds like a great day for bowlers who are ex and current serving personnel to attend and support the club.

Pies/Pasties available if required
Prize money is up for grabs!


If you want more details contact Ian White on 0413 828625

Mens State Squad 2018/19

12th November 18 - The mens state squad of 26 has been announced following the state fours, the full list can be found here at Bowls WA. I think there are some surprises but I'll leave that for you the reader to discuss amongst yourself as to who they might be

BPL Season 8 & BPL Cup

7th November 18 - The BPL is back and on Foxtel and Facebook again, it commences next Tuesday the 13th Nov and runs to the Friday night. Foxtel will cover the evening sessions and Facebook will show one game per session using Rinkside Clive.
This season the Perth Suns representatives returning will be John Slavich, Kristina Krstic and making his debut will be Shane Knott. It will be managed this year by Pieter Harris. I'm looking forward to again watching our state reps battle it out and hopefully this year they can win those pesky tie breakers and play some finals.
Don't forget, the BPL Cup is also being played, we are being represented by Sam Perica/Nick Lewis/Andrew Foster from Cambridge and also Lisa Featherby/Linda Warburton/Paul Walker/Renata Coote from Mosman Park. Good luck to them and I'll try as best I can to keep everyone up to date with scores during the event.

The Everest 2018

15th Oct 18 - What a horrible day weather wise for the final of the Everest, how those guys were able to get so close so often was a testament to their skill. Congratulations go out to Russell Bates who beat Daniel Brown in the final. Bates skipped out to an 11-0 lead and from their was able to maintain that margin and get to 31. Take nothing away from Brown though, he played pretty well but it was Bates who handled the conditions best. Can't wait for next year!
14th Oct 18 - We are now at the pointy end of the Everest, 8 players left, Perth Metro represented by Tom Mitchell and Daniel Brown, Perth Country has Russell Bates, Scott O'Brien and James Webster, and Interstate by Sean Ingham, Mitch Sidebottom abd Ron Bates. A cracking field good luck to them all! Amazingly Scott O'Brien has lost 2 games and is still going, can he climb the Everest. Tough to pick a winner from here, From what I have seen from the great coverage is Daniel Brown playing super bowls, Sean Ingham dynamite, James Webster good and Russell Bates is winning a lot of close ones proving that you have to play right to the end. They will be my Semi finalists. 13th Oct 18 - The tips are in, 3 sections producing 0% winners which shows how tough this tipping competition was. Out of 24 sections our 66 tipsters averaged 9.6, but we had 34 people get 10 or better, 11 or better is listed below. One of our anonymous tipsters really bombed out with 5 right, but the winner with all the prestige easily was Max Carmichael with 15 correct, the next best was 13. Well done Max!
15 - Max Carmichael
13 - Ian Linford, Wayne Molloy
12 - Anonymous, Marty Atkins, Mark Masel, Jamie Coghlan, Andrew Foster, Kyle McIlroy, Saffronne Alden, Michael Browne
11 - Anonymous, Peter Vuckovic, Jon Jermalinski, Peter Flack, Ash, Simon Alden

12th Oct 18 - Another big day of bowls with a few more clouds than yesterday, but we have another 12 winners and are down to the 24 to take on the next section. The Calcutta is being done tonight as well as the draw for the 8 sections of 3. Again, click the link below to get all of todays winners
11th Oct 18 - What a cracking day of bowls, upsets, laughter, so glad I had the opporunity to compete, not so good for me as I only got 2 games, but there is next year! Would heartily recommend everyone reading this that they should do everything they can to get involved next year.
Click here for all the results.
6th Oct 18 - The section draw is being conducted on Monday night, you can tune in live on Facebook from 6pm on their page, or if you don't have Facebook, Perth Pennants have got a sheet which will update the sections live as it happens. The sheet also has the list of the 96 competitors all vying for 1st place of $50k.
3rd Oct 18 - I see overnight that The Everest is now full, awesome job to Russell Tyrrell, Tim Hyatt and Marcus Sear for all their hard work in putting this event together. With only one chance left, that's the Mega Bowl at Manning on Saturday at 6pm, for only $10 you could join this star studded field (details on Facebook). Details of all entrants and also the Calcutta they will be running next week will be posted in the coming days.

Manning 5 a side

7th Oct 18 - The Manning 5 a side commenced yesterday, to check out the scores click here to keep up to date
26th Sept - * Calcutta Announcement *
Books are now available and selling fast with a book of 4 worth $20
For your book please get in touch with the Facebook page or Shane Knott on 0400 823 949
The Calcutta bidding will take place at 6.30pm on Friday 5th October with the tickets to be drawn out from 6pm
The payout for this year will be as follows -
1st prize 50%
2nd prize 25%
3rd prize 15%
We will also have Friday Night meals available and we will have happy hour from 5.30pm to 6.30pm
Greens will be open from 3pm for anyone wanting to have a roll up
Not long to go now and look forward to seeing everyone at Manning next Friday Night

20th Sept 18 - the teams have been gradually announced through Facebook, click here to see who is playing in this prestigious event

18th Sept 18 - Manning will have a mega bowl on the Saturday 6th October after the 5-a-side. A mega bowl works as a 1 bowl off knockout format, winner takes all usually but this one at Manning will have the winner get a berth in the Everest. $10 entry and at this stage it will take place on the Saturday at about 6pm, register your interest with Shane Knott on 0400 823949

Womens State Squad 2018

Bowls WA Women’s Selection Panel has announced the State Squad trialling to represent Western Australia at the 2019 Australia Sides Championships in New South Wales from April 11th – 14th.
Womens State Squad 2018
The Squad includes all the twelve Side Players from last year who played in the Northern Territory Series, in addition to four other 2018 Final Squad participants Jill Adam, Robin Higgins, Jenny Rogalski and Sally Wilke.
Newcomers Nei Archer, Lisa Brannan, Lex Harris, Jo Lancaster, Jenny McLaughlin, Jenny Parker, Lisa Smith, Shaan Smith, Sian Smith, Charmian Tonkovich and Kaitlin Tyrrell are sure to put their best bowl forward whilst competing for 2019 Side Selection.
The 26 Player Squad will find out who made Side Selection after the State Singles are completed at the end of January 2019.

State Women’s Panel:
Coach - Therese Hastings
Assistant Coach - Elaine McDonald
Selector - Helen Stevens
Selector - Jaewyn Norton

Wanneroo cancel Monday Bowls

Respectful cancellation of Monday 2/4/2 event at Wanneroo Bowls tomorrow 17/9/2018
Stirling Bowling Club had an unfortunate issue last week with their surface. Wanneroo Bowls a ( Division of Wanneroo Sports & Social Club) made an attempt to fill the breech due to Stirling's circumstances.
Early this week a far bigger situation occurred with the passing of Katie.
Consequently we have cancelled this Monday's Competition 17/9/2018 in respect.( All entrants will be contacted individually before Monday)
The Katuna-Rich family are cherished in our sport. R.I.P. (Katie) 12.4.1928-10.9.2018.
Please respect this decision.

Kind regards
Bill Cowan (Chairman of Bowls)

Mens State Squad 2018

Bowls WA Men’s Selection Panel has announced the Players chosen to attend the State Squad Selection Trials. These players will vie for a position in the 2019 Side representing Western Australia at the Australia Sides Championships in New South Wales from April 11th – 14th 2019. Mens State Squad 2018
Note: Players can be added & removed from the Squad as Selection Trials progress.

The 19-strong Squad includes all twelve Side Players from last year alongside Ryan Moyle (DOUBLEVIEW) and Ashley Sharp (SOUTH PERTH), both strong Premier League Skips during the 2017/18 Pennant Season, and prior State Event winners:

· Warren Holt – WAGIN
o 2018 State Singles
o 2018 Champion of Champion Club Singles

· Dale Marsland – MANNING
o 2008 Champion of Champion Novice Singles
o 2018 Triples

· Kevin McKay – KARDINYA
o 2013 Triples & 2014 Runner-Up Champion of Champion Club Singles
o 2017/18 Fours

· Blake Nairn – BASSENDEAN
o 2015 Pairs
o 2017 Singles

· Glen Pauling – SOUTH PERTH
o 2018 Triples
o 2018 Mixed Pairs (with Lee Poletti – GERALDTON)

A schedule of the Selection Trials Venue and Times will be provided in due course and will be made available online under the “State Teams” section of the Bowls WA website.

The Final State Side will be announced mid-February prior to the Side Series commencing in April.

Bowls WA Men’s Selection Panel:
Coach – Tony Hockey
Assistant Coach – Lindsay Thorn
Chair of Selectors – Roger Barns
Selector – Glyn Vaughan
Selector – Mike Zusman

Everest qualifying - Manning Spider Bowl

The Manning Eagles in conjunction with the Dudley Park Bowling Club are excited to announce that on Saturday the 6th October starting at approx 615pm we will hold the Everest Mega Bowl
We will have 128 players competing in a one bowl one end shootout - knockout style with the winner granted entry into the main draw for the 2018 Everest at Dudley Park
Our field of 100 players will be given first chance to compete in this event however we still have 28 spots available to anyone who wishes to participate in this event to gain entry into the Everest for the small cost of $10
This is strictly first in best dressed and the cut off will be the 28
Please private message the Manning Eagles 5 a Side page for your ticket into the Everest Mega Bowl or direct to Shane Knott

Blake's Kitchen "Parma for a Farmer" @ Bassendean Bowling Club
Blake Nairn, the regular Friday night chef at the Bassendean Bowling Club is helping out the farming community in the East Coast by holding a "Parma For A Farmer". $5 from every "parma" will be donated to the farmers over East via Drought Angels. Blake is hoping to get to 100 "parmas" sold on the night. More details can be found here in the flyer. See you there on Friday the 14th September.
Bowls WA Masters Series
The link to the news story is here

Windsor Eton Bowling Club
I thought that the following information might be of interest to at least some members of the WA lawn bowls fraternity. During a rest day on our hectic veterans cricket tour of the UK we visited Windsor (which includes the sometimes castle residence of the Queen and the place where Harry and Meghan Markle were married just a couple of months ago), and nearby Eton College where most of the royals and 29 British prime ministers have been educated. They wouldn't let us through the front gates of the college where the annual fees are about $70,000 a year. But we did get to see the Windsor Eton Bowling Club where the fees are a bit more civilised. Located 200 metres from the walls of Windsor Castle, the bowling club occupies some of the most expensive real estate in the whole of England. However, the membership fees there are only 120 Pounds annually, while it cost just four Pounds to play a game there, which includes an evening meal. Parking is free. Just outside its gates of the bowling club is a heavily police-patrolled public carpark where it costs many pounds per hour park one's car, if there is ever a spare parking bay available.
And, by-the-way, the bowling green itself at Windsor Eton was running at a tick under 12 seconds the day we visited there. The club is able to keep its fees down through the use of voluntary (member) mowing, watering and rolling of its single green. The only outside cost is for professional turf-management input with regard to occasional scarifying and the application of chemicals.
Attached is a photo of myself and a couple of other veteran Australian cricketers during a green-side chat with one of the officials of the Windsor Eton Bowling Club.
Windsor Eton Bowling Club
In the following photo, the guy on the right, Alan Reid of Adelaide, is a One White- bowler from the Hawthorn Bowling Club in Adelaide. He is also an Order of Australia recipient for his services to education. Alan's father was a former Governor of Western Australia (1984-89) and the person after whom Reid highway was named.

Best regards,
John Terrell

The direct link to the announcement from Bowls WA can be found here.

Congratulations to John Slavich and Kristina Krstic who have represented us before and newbie Shane Knott does come as a great reward for a very consistent season from him. Clive Adams must have been very close after his recent performance in the Indoors but it takes nothing away from the side announced as it is a strong side to take on the other franchises. Exciting to hear of a new 3 year sponsor, can't wait to hear who that migth be and support them in some capacity in the future.


A regular contributor to my site John Terrell is currently in England representing the Australia Over 70's cricket side, if you recall he's been to South Africa recently as well, and he is again doing extremely well, averaging 46 in the 9 games they have played to date. Australia has won 7 of them, so the team and John have been doing very well. The link here is to a news story on BBC Wales about the game between Australia and Wales.


John Goddards travel diaries has seen him send me a picture of the new surface at the Cue Bowling Club. I thought it was a typo which was a victim of auto-correct, but Cue is a town situated between Mt Magnet and Meekatharra, about 670kms North of Perth. The town itself boasts 176 population. It's another of those old gold towns of the early 20th century when the population reached somewhere in the vicinity of 10,000 people. The pictures of the town look like a wonderful town full of history and heritage, and with this bowling green, why not pop in for a roll and a beer for those nomads who venture north in the Winter.


SA Copper Coast October 15 - 18

Following a trial weekend at Stirling Bowling Club, the Over 60’s Selection Panel of Roger Barns, Geoff Whyatt and Brian Burton have selected the following Side to play in the National Senior Sides Series to be held on the Copper Coast of South Australia from October 15th to 18th:

Team 1 - G Caffell (sk), S O'Neill, S Cerff, G Nicol
Team 2 - C Lander (sk), L Pike, A Gryta, B McNamara
Team 3 - G Evans (sk), S Perica, C Hayes, L Thorn

The side has had a shake-up this year with two returning players Chris Lander (Sorrento) and Sam Perica (Cambridge) joining four new faces of Linton Pike (Bassendean), Alek Gryta (Mosman Park), Bernie McNamara (Doubleview) and Colin Hayes (Quairading) all playing in their first Series.

The selection of the side was very difficult with a number of the squad performing extremely well, highlighting the strength of Over 60’s bowls in WA.


The WA Under 18 State Side to contest the National Under 18 Championships at Capalaba Sports Club, Queensland from October 2nd to 5th has been announced.

Ken Perks (Head Coach), Clive Adams (Assistant Coach), and Lee-Anne Green (Team Manager) have chosen a team that will seek to compete against the best young players in the country with the difficult selection process based on participation in squad selection practices.


Boys Team
Singles - Jack East
Pairs - Jack East & Cory Day (Sk)
Triples - Aiden McAuliffe, Ashton Hagboom, Marcus Simpson (Sk)
Fours - Aiden McAuliffe, Ashton Hagboom, Cory Day, Marcus Simpson (Sk)

Three of the 2018 Team are Country players with Ashton Hagboom (Goomalling), Aiden McAuliffe (Mullewa), and Cory Day (Carnarvon). Rounding out the Team are two Metro players Jack East (Rossmoyne) and Marcus Simpson (Rockingham).

Girls Team
Singles - Emma Smith
Pairs - Ruby Leggett, Emma Smith (Sk)
Fours - Ruby Leggett (Second)

While a small contingency of girls, who will combine with another State or Territory to fulfil Team requirements, it is a new generation with Ruby Leggett from Joondalup following in her brother Ben’s footsteps in representing Under 18's for WA and Emma Smith from York keeping up with the rest of the Smith Family’s prestigious year representing WA after her brothers Aaron and Nathan won last season’s State Pairs!


5th Sept 18 - Sounds like Inglewood have had a stay of proceedings granted for 3 years, good news for the club as they try and rebuild from this past months upheavals.
13th Aug 18 - If you missed the Today Tonught story on Friday, here is the link to that
10th Aug 18 - There is also a story on Today Tonight, the promo for that is here. Not sure if the link will work if you do not have Facebook, if not then look at Today Tonight Friday 10th August.
10th Aug 18 - There was a radio interview with an ex-President of Inglewood during the week on 6PR. you can find the grab here. City of Stirling responds here
1st Aug 18 - It is with some sadness we see the demise of another Perth Metro Bowling club.
The City of Stirling has over the past 12 months conducted a detailed review of each of the bowling clubs within the City. This was carried out with the full knowledge of the clubs who were asked to participate in the review and provide relevant information along the way.
Following the review I believe the City has now met with each of the clubs and confirmed its on-going support for all apart from Inglewood BC.
The City met with Inglewood last Wednesday afternoon (25th) and informed them that due to the condition of the building, it could not support the significant capital expenditure required to bring it up to speed – hence the club needed to consider a timeframe to vacate the premises. There was no demand for closure, in fact the City were comfortable for a longer period of 1 or 2 years, given a strategy was put in place.
At their AGM on Saturday however it is understood that Inglewood members decided on an immediate closure; although this has not been confirmed with Bowls WA at this time.

Thanks to a reliable source for this information. We have heard for a while now from Bowls WA about the numbers of lessening players playing our sport competitively and closures such as Inglewood and recently Cannington, Mills Park and with Melville and Mt Pleasant also discussing their future, declining numbers will have this affect on clubs going forward. A wake up call to anyone reading this that we need to try and convert our social bowlers to pennant playing people as best they can to ensure the lengevity of our sport. It's also an important lesson that spare funds at clubs need to be put back into the facilities to keep them modern and fresh, and sometimes volunteer labour to clear the unecessary items that clubs tend to keep and a lick of paint may be all that's required sometimes to achieve this aim.


The Cockburn Bowling Club new facilities will be officially opened on Saturday 1st September 2018 at 10:00 AM, the new club is located in Visko Park, cnr of Beeliar Drive and Birchley Road.
The facility will be opened by Senator Slade Brockman (representing Sports Minister McVeigh) and the Mayor of the City of Cockburn Logan Howlett.
The new Cockburn Bowling Club Facility includes the following:
• 2 x10 rink sand filled synthetic bowling greens (one fully under cover with LED lighting) and the other green outdoor with LED lighting and spectator shelters.2 soccer pitches with outdoor lighting (Futsal courts)
• 4 beach volleyball courts (available for community hire/ membership)
• Multi-purpose facility with kitchen, dining room, activity and function room for 360 patrons (available for community hire)
• Bowling club members bar area for 290 patrons, a TAB facility and direct access to the two new bowling greens, the Bowling Club has its own entry lobby area.
• Commercial kitchen, cool room and store
• Meeting and office facilities
• Change rooms and toilets
• Carpark - 150 car bays including accessible car bays
• Grassed area with playground

The Cockburn Bowling Club opened its greens in the present location in Spearwood on 14th October 1967, playing in 6th division in 1967-68; Cockburn went onto win their first pennant that season.
In 1973-74 Cockburn were undefeated in winning the 1st Division pennant. Since first entering 1st Division, Cockburn have gone onto win 22 1st Division Pennants, amassing 63 Pennants in total. Many other pennants and promotions have been won both in Saturday and Mid-week competitions, making the Club's achievements the envy of all.
Many club members have brought distinction and recognition to the Cockburn club producing 5 International and 19 State Players.
Special recognition and acknowledgement of the Cockburn Council and the Federal Government for providing $9.5M funding for the construction with over $4.5M sourced from the National Stronger Regions Fund grant from the Commonwealth Government for the construction of the new facilities. This venue will provide first rate facilities for sport, recreation and the community to take the Cockburn Bowling Club on its next exciting journey.
To introduce bowlers to the new facilities a Welcome Fours Carnival will be played on Sunday 19th August, 2 games of 14 ends arrive at the club at 12:00 for a 12:30 start.
Contact the Cockburn Bowling Club or Steve Srhoy to reserve you team.
Cockburn Bowling Club email:
Steve Srhoy phone: 9418 1106 mobile: 0409 418 440 email:

Drone cam be found here

Photos can be found here and here

Brian Blagaich


England v Australia Under 25

England v Australia Under 25


The Mount Pleasant Bowling Club has been thrown a lifeline by receiving a tenure extension at its Bedford Road headquarters in Ardross for another year.

That’s good news for a club, which is scheduled to re-locate to a state-of-the-art $9.4 million sporting hub at Tomkins Park (off Canning Highway, Melville) for the start of the 2019/20 bowls season.

So, for at least another year, it will be business as usual for the Mount Pleasant Bowling Club. The club is hoping to hold its One Blue South pennant standing this coming bowls season, ahead of its eventual shift to Tomkins Park.

Barry Elliss, a spokesman for the club’s selection committee, is keen to hear from as many prospective new members as possible to join Mount Pleasant for the coming season.

“What I can promise is a happy club with many excellent players and characters among them,” he said. “We will be striving to hold our One Blue South status before transitioning to Tomkins Park around September 2019.”

Barry said the new bowls facility at Tompkins Park would be world class and something special. It will feature two under-cover and two outdoor sand-filled bowling greens of the highest quality.

Many people see under cover bowls facilities as a sensible way forward, especially in an era of perceived global warming.

Until construction of the new facility is completed, members of the Mount Pleasant Bowling Club will continue to bowl on some of the best-prepared couch greens anywhere in Western Australia at the club’s existing headquarters in Ardross.

People interested in playing at Mount Pleasant for the new bowls season are invited to contact Barry Elliss on 0411 512 134 or by email at

**below is a picture of the Moama Bowling Club, the structure very similar to the one proposed at Tomkins Park**
Moama Bowls club


The members of the Warnbro Bowling Club made a decision in 2017 to have their so-called “A” and “B” greens covered with a roof. The advantages of these two covered greens are that bowls can be played in all weather, and there is the health factor in eliminating exposure to the sun. Construction of the facility began in May this year and will be officially opened in July by Western Australia Premier, Mark McGowan and Member for Warnbro, Paul Papalia, who are also co-patrons of the Club. The Club wishes to acknowledge financial assistance of $150K from the WA State Government, and $20K from ALP Federal Member for Brand, Madeleine King.

The Warnbro Bowling Club, the home of the Warnbro Wizards in Okehampton Road, was founded on 15th February 1989. While the first two turf greens were being established, the Club played its first ever Pennant games in October 1989 on the turf greens at the Alcoa Social Club in Cockburn Road. The Club’s greens were officially opened in May 1991. Discussions on replacing two of the turf greens by synthetic surfaces were first raised in March 2002, and “A” and “B” greens were officially opened in readiness for the start of the 2003/2004 pennant season. “C” and “D” greens were later also converted to synthetic surfaces and, by season 2008/2009, the Club had four top-class synthetic greens, all of which are floodlit.

Season 2008/2009 saw both the Men and Ladies gain First Division status for the first time in their history in Divisions One Blue South and One Green South respectively. The Men gained promotion to Division One White in season 2013-14 but their stay was short-lived. The Men then won the Division One Blue Pennant in season 2016/2017 and, following the withdrawal of the Innaloo Club from Division One White, they were promoted by BowlsWA to take their place. The Club well and truly justified the decision and went on to secure promotion to Premier League for the 2018/2019 season.

The Warnbro Bowling Club has grown substantially since its founding and now boasts some of the best bowling facilities in the Perth Metropolitan area. The Club also has a strong membership, is in a sound financial position, and looks to a very bright future.

Dennis Pattullo has sent to me the photos of the new roof at his bowling club. How good does it look!
Warnbro Roof

Warnbro Roof


27th May 18 - I've finally recovered from the Bowls WA awards night, what a very enjoyable I had, food was great, venue superb and event ran smoothly and quickly, it wasn't dull at all. Well done to all the winners listed below, especially Warren Holt for Male Bowler of the Year and Kristina Krstic for Female Bowler of the Year. We wish Kristina all the best as she leaves for the UK to represent Australia.

Bowls WA Annual Award Winners 2017/18

Rosenthal Medallists Medal Under 18 Bowler of the Year
Patrick Quinlan (Osborne Park)

Beryl Brennan Award Over 60’s Female Bowler of the Sides Series
Kerry Andersen (Mosman Park)

Barns/McKenzie Award Over 60’s Male Bowler of the Sides Series
Gary Caffell (Osborne Park)

Trevor Barron Award Over 60’s Male Bowler of the Year
Bruce Eagles (Sorrento)

Norma Samuel Award Over 60’s Female Bowler of the Year
Irene Arndt (Safety Bay)

Bowls WA Volunteer of the Year
John Burnett (Geraldton)

Bowls WA Club Coach of the Year
Brian Clausen (Sorrento)

Bowls WA Small Country Club of the Year

Bowls WA Country Club of the Year – “The Jim Murray Award”

Bowls WA Small Metropolitan Club of the Year
Quinns Rocks

Bowls WA Metropolitan Club of the Year

Wishart/Eddy Trophy Men's Player of the Sides Series
Anthony Williams (Manning)

Beryl Godfrey Award Women's Player of the Sides Series
Kristina Krstic (Manning)

President's Brooch Women's State Singles Champion
Kristina Krstic (Manning)

President's Medal Men's State Singles Champion
Warren Holt (Wagin)

Vice Patron’s Medal Men’s Country Bowler of the Year
Warren Holt (Wagin)

Penny Needham Brooch Women’s Country Bowler of the Year
Lee Poletti (Geraldton)

Connie Hicks Brooch Women’s Bowler of the Year
Kristina Krstic (Manning)

Rosenthal Medal Men’s Bowler of the Year
Warren Holt (Wagin)


19th May 18 - An interesting story coming out of SA overnight - they have started a SA Super League, made up of 8 franchised zones including the country areas in a 7 week competition. The article is currently behind a paywall but it had a lot of similarities to what I proposed in January about the city zones playing each other in a weekly competition to determine the best city zone. The article is posted in the Bowls SA Facebook page (the article was written for the Adelaide Now newspaper), when I see it appear on their website free to read I will provide the link here. It will be interesting to see how it goes, how the franchise system works and how the country bowlers feel about it, but certainly due to our isolation from other states and the cost factor involved in playing test matches against them, we need something similar to improve our bowlers from within.


14th May 2018 - Firstly, thank you for putting the information on your site about our Annual Carnival which will be in Busellton in April 2019.
Some great results on the final 10 degree, raining and icy windy day. Karl Vandersluys won the Australian Police Singles against fellow West Australian Keith Guelfi 25-11.
Joe Rollnik lost his Plate Singles final against his Victorian Opponent 18-25.
Our Triples Champions are Arthur Bartlett, Mike Carey and Jeff Humpleby after a 23-22 win over their NSW opponents.
In the Plate Pairs Final Phil Dobie and Rob Bellis had a 1 shot win over their Victorian opponents.
In the Sides Event (similar to pennants) Victoria won by one point from NSW with WA not far behind in 4th spot.
Thanks again for your interest in the game,

Alan Booth

WA Police bowlers are attending the 60th Australian Police Bowls Carnival at Murray Downs, near Swan Hill in Victoria starting on Wednesday the 3rd of May . The team consists of players who are serving, ex members and Associates of the WA Police.

Our team this year is:

Phil Dobie, Rob Bellis and Karl Vandersluys (Leeming), Alan Booth, Mike Carey, Kerry Carey, John Hodges, Helen and Andy Miskell, Jeff Humpleby (Manning), Bob Bandy (Como), Ian Cornthwaite and Arthur Bartlett ( Kalamunda), Joe Rollnik (Valley), Garry and Darren Rowlinson (Swan), Davre Vinicombe (North Beach) Mick Taylor (Scarborough), Keith Guelfi and Bernie Hett (Halls Head), Trevor McGillivray (Yokine), Jenny Hodges (Gosnells), Brett McCance and Peter Oreo.

The carnival next year will be in Bussellton.


The 40th Inter Nations bowling tournament was held at the Yokine Bowling Club over the weekend of the 4th and 5th May 2018.

The competition is a charity run event that started in 1979 by Mr John D Mather with the intention of raising funds for the Princess Margaret Hospital Foundation now renamed the Perth Children’s Hospital Foundation. The competition has raised over $100,000 and this year we added a further $5,600 dollars. Well done to all those that have contributed over the years.

The weather on Saturday was a perfect Perth autumn day, the greens were in immaculate condition, the competition was tough, the comraderie friendly and the Yokine hospitality fantastic, you could not ask for anything better. The weather deteriorated a bit on Sunday but that still did not dampen the high competitive spirits of all 128 players from the eight representative countries.

After being the runner up for the past 7 years “THE REST OF THE WORLD” team finally broke through, knocking off last year’s winner CROATIA. The Rest of The World went through the competition without dropping a game and hence deserved the great win, followed closely by AUSTRALIA who only dropped one game.

For the next two years the eight representative teams from Australia, New Zealand, England, Wales, Ireland, Scotland, Italy and The Rest of the World will challenge each other on the three different synthetic greens of the Rossmoyne Bowling Club.

Internations Winners

Back Row:
Steve Cerff, Mark Lindsay, Louis Berteaux, Kevin Stevens, Mark Douthie, Mick Douthie, Rawley Lang
Middle Row:
Cam Hoffman, Grahame Maesepp, Chris Margin, Colin Moore, Chris Bowler
Front Row:
Matt Ngui, Otto Dawson, Reza Vind, Graeme Fewings


6th May 18 - OVERALL - Overall on paper it reads very similar to prior years, 6th position for the men and 5th position for the ladies. But I think this doesn't take into account how competitive we were against states with more well known bowlers. If Wilkie had missed that shot we would have beaten Qld and with 4 wins would have finished 4th, so it highlights how close we were again. The ladies were 5th, the same number of wins as 3rd placed Qld, again very close to a higher position. The ladies skippers were Krstic 4.5 wins in 9th place, Morss 2.5 wins in 16th and Abe 2 wins in 18th and for the men, Cody Packer with 5 wins finished in 4th spot, a maginificent effort for him and his inexperienced rink (compared to the other rinks), Slavich with 3 wins in 16th and Mitchell 3 wins in 18th spot on the skippers table

I wasn't there so hard to say, but I have seen the rhetoric on other sites and all I will say as a Western Australian was to be extremely proud of their efforts, apart from Game 1 against Tasmania when they were never really in it (this is the men I'm talking about) they were extremely competitive against the other states. The ladies was a similar story, only 1 bad game against NSW where it looked like they were never in it, the remaining 6 games were extremely close and it won't take much to win those games next time around. Watching the scores fluctuate on Google docs for most of the games also showed the teams never gave up and fought out games right to 21 ends. Disappointed yes not to finish higher on the ladders but I'm sure not as disappointed as the players involved, well done to them, they represented us with distinction and we just have to try again next year and rise higher

6th May 18 - So the afternoon game was against South Australia, last years winners for the men and sitting 2nd after 5 games, for the women SA were below them on the ladder so we would have been hopeful of a good win. Well, didn't we finish with a bang, proof again that we fight it out to the end despite the game really being meaningless apart from pride, but pride we have in spades in this state and it was a crushing performance for our guys and girls.

Overall WA 82 (6) vs SA 40 (0)
Mitchell 34 vs Ruediger 13
Slavich 28 vs Thulborn 12
Packer 20 vs Kleinig 15

Overall WA 67 (6) v SA 37 (0)
Abe 25 vs Callisto 11
Krstic 23 vs McGorman 11
Morss 19 vs Hutchinson 15

6th May 18 - The morning game against Queensland a heartbreaker, our teams were so close! The lead chopped and changed all game, and for the men with 1 end to go had the match by 3 but Brett Wilkie had a 1 bowl target which he removed for 5 shots to snatch the game away from the guys. The ladies as well were in front, then behind and were coming hard at the end but ran out of ends. A solid effort against a strong state

Overall WA 52 (1) vs Qld 54 (5)
Mitchell 17 vs Sherriff 18
Slavich 17 vs Wilkie 25
Packer 18 vs Rice 11

Overall WA 60 (0.5) v Qld 66 (5.5)
Abe 21 vs Keegan 22
Krstic 21 vs Millerick 21
Morss 18 vs Clarke 23

4th May 18 - The afternoon was promising before falling away badly against the powerhouse NSW team. It is a squad packed with names we are all familiar with and it was always going to be difficult, 3 rinks lost by monster scores but the other 3 rinks can take something away from the contest. Hard to say much when you aren't there to see the games but with the final day tomorrow, still plenty to play for and get 2 good wins against strong teams and finish the series on a positive note

Overall WA 47 (1) vs NSW 69 (5)
Mitchell 13 vs Wilson 33
Slavich 16 vs Twist 19
Packer 18 vs Ferguson 17

Overall WA 33 (0) v NSW 89 (6)
Abe 8 vs Murphy 44
Krstic 15 vs Scott 20
Morss 10 vs Cottrell 25

4th May 18 - Today started awesome for our team playing the ACT, who were winless after 3 games. For the men, Tom Mitchell and John Slavich had good wins with Cody Packer a narrow loss. For the ladies, another big win by Kristina Krstic who is having a rippewr tournament saw that rink carry the aggregate with 2 small losses to Helen Morss and Noelene Abe

Overall WA 72 (5) vs ACT 47 (1)
Mitchell 30 vs Craven 13
Slavich 26 vs McLean 14
Packer 16 vs Watts 20

Overall WA 63 (4) v ACT 50 (2)
Abe 14 vs Bacchetto 17
Krstic 32 vs Moore 15
Morss 17 vs Gillespie 18

3rd May 18 - The afternoon saw the WA team lock horns with NT the host side, and it would appear their mojo came together. I did hear that Clive Adams and Shane Knott swapped positions and it appears to have done the trick for that rink, in fact all rinks Men and Women winning, beating NT 6-0. The overall ladder sees WA in 6th for the men and the ladies sit 3rd. Big day tomorrow as we play ACT and NSW

Overall WA 70 (6) vs NT 42 (0)
Mitchell 25 vs Kitto 16
Slavich 17 vs Smallacombe 13
Packer 28 vs Maher 13

Overall WA 68 (6) v NT 52 (0)
Abe 18 vs Aumann 16
Krstic 29 vs Orr 19
Morss 21 vs Chandler 17

3rd May 18 - The morning game was a bit frustrating for our team, it was neck and neck for about 50% of the game where we saw both the Victorian Mens and Ladies sides pull away to a good lead, but to the teams credit they fought back. They showed a lot of steel, which is heartening and something WA people always have - to let others know they are in for a contest. Cody Packer had his first win as a state side skipper and Helen Morss came from a long way back to get a draw.

Overall WA 55 (1) vs Vic 64 (5)
Mitchell 20 vs Lester 26
Slavich 15 vs Ellul 17
Packer 20 vs Fisher 19

Overall WA 53 (0.5) v Vic 65 (5.5)
Abe 13 vs Brodie 18
Krstic 18 vs Krizanic 25
Morss 22 vs Shannahan 22

2nd May 18 - Bit of a rough start for the Men and a winning day for the Women in the first game of the Sides Series on Darwin. Scores are below -

Overall WA 37 (0) vs Tas 64
Mitchell 9 vs Schraner 18
Slavich 16 vs Sims 18
Packer 12 vs Nitz 28

Overall WA 61 (4) v Tas 59 (2)
Abe 16 vs Van Asch 20
Krstic 25 vs Sesara 16
Morss 20 vs Hodgetts 23

If you're having trouble finding the results page, click it here

Stay up to date with the WA results progressive scores here

Just felt that it maybe of interest that a group of 30 WA RSL Bowlers in Perth, have travelled to Tweed Heads to participate in the 51st National RSL Championships representing the WA RSL. The following players are the representative players.

Dave ADAMS, Bianca TAYLOR, Bill TAYLOR, Daryl RADFORD, Ross KNAPP (Kardinya) Phil GRIFFITHS, Eddy HAMMOND, Terry GROCOCK (Yokine) Echo WIDERMANSKI, Bill COWAN, Rod BEAZLEY, Bob BRIGHT(Wanneroo) Marcus SEAR (Dampier) Jeff ADAMS, Ken STOWER (Mosman Park) Ian MARSHALL, Brian COLLINS, Brad WILLIAMS, Geoff MURRAY (Sorrento) Ron MONGER (Innaloo) Bob GILLIAN, Darryl IKIN (Merriwa) Kevan McKENZIE (Collie) Frank FLETCHER (Osborne Park)Murray PIGGOTT (Manning) Norrie CONDUIT (Halls Head) Willie TAN (Warnbro) Ian WHITE (Claremont) Allan HORNBY (Warwick) Daryl WAGSTAFF. The series commences Saturday 28April concluding on Sunday 5 May.

All these players are ex servicemen/woman and have served the country in various roles

22nd March 2018 - Shae Barter verses Callum Potter

Result Shae Barter defeated Callum Potter 21-20

What game this turned out to be Any senior player would have been happy to play in this game. Both Boys bowled beyond their experience and they went blow for blow through the whole game with a score line that anybody would have proud to have , there was only one or two shots different throughout the game with some fantastic draw bowling on display.
There were some Div. One players from our club having a roll up in the morning and the quality of this game made them all leave the roll up and come and watch the Final with comments like we better pick our game up and the encouragement that our div one players to the boys made them try even harder and our club is looking very bright for the future with players that showed outstanding talent and with a bit more guidance these guys will be playing pennants in no time at all in the future.
To all involved thank you very much and again a special mention to our coach Don McKenzie for all the help in getting the Under 18,s up and running. Thanks also to Gerry Mathews who was there every day helping with marking and scoring again thanks
Looking forward to August this year when once again we will be kicking the Junior Program off. I will be available for some one on one coaching over the Winter Break if there any Juniors wanting to have a go.
Thanks Shane

If anybody wants any Info on how we have set the Junior structure up please feel free to contact me on 0458588030 or contact any club member

Shane Smith

14th March 2018 - Well it has finally happened we have got the Under 18,s Squad up and running with our inaugural Singles Championship half way through with the finals to be played this Saturday coming the 17 March.
I would have to be the most excited Club Member at the moment with the way the under 18,s are performing It couldn't have happened without the support of our wonderful coach Don McKenzie and also having club members around helping like Gerry Mathews helping with Marking and encouragement.
It was fantastic to see all the Mums and Dads and grandparents along supporting the Kids along with club members that had come for a roll up in the morning leaving there roll up to watch and some of the comments from seasoned players on how well the Juniors were playing Now to the game we had five players playing a round robin and all of them played some outstanding bowls

Section One
Game One Callum Potter defeating Luke Imray winning 15-14 a game that was played bowl for bowl the whole way through. Callum going straight through to the final

Section Two
Game One Shae Barter defeating Mathew Park 15-5 The score line did not reflect how well Mathew played time after time Shae would have a resting toucher with Mathew drawing Beautifully to take Shae out then Shae to put the same bowl back in resting Mathew out.
Game Two Ryan Sim playing Mathew Park with Mathew running out as the winner another game that highlighted how good these juniors are with draw bowling to perfection seems these guys have no fear as they were always up to or into the head changing the game as they went along the final score line was 15-6
Therefore we have two players on two points with one qualifying game to play Shae Barter verses Ryan Sim and if Ryan wins then it will come down to shots up and percentages to see who goes through to the final to play Callum Potter
We would love some supporters to come and have a look at the final game and the Grand Final with the qualifying game kicking off at 9.00am followed by the Final at approx. 10.30am Good Luck to all players on a fantastic job

Shane Smith

Bowls WA have a Google docs sheet going, click the link here 3rd Mar 18 - The first day of countryweek has been played and while I don't know too many country bowlers, I do know that last years winner Kaleb Walding has already been defeated, by M O'Neill of Ongerup 21-11. I won't embarrass myself to name other bowlers who have got through and have been defeated as I'm sure there are bowlers of better stature that I miss, so check out the results in the link above.

A bowler at Mosman Park had this to say about their day at the club with the million dollar view - "Tbone here from Dalwallinu bowling Club
Like to make mention of how good we got treated at the Mosman Park Bowling Club today at country week. Greens nothing short of sensational along with great lunch and sweets and crew at the club couldn’t help us enough.
I would be happy to draw here anytime
Be proud Mosman Park it was like country hospitality in the city. Well done

High priase indeed, thanks T-Bone and well done Mosman Park, I know working at Bassendean today the guys there were very complimetary and I'm sure the other dozen or so clubs around the place would have done as good a job. 2nd Mar 18 - The city vs country all stars game has been completed, another fantastic night for Bowls, some really high quality level action and apart from 2 rinks which were a bit of a blowout, some very close games. The weather was a bit chilly for supporters but they warmed themselves up during the night with cheering, drinking, sledging and enjoyment that they had, It was a pleasure to be involved in it. The rink scores are as follows - S Mawdsley 15 - M France 24
J Slavich 34 - M Simpson 9
C Packer 22 - M Wunnenberg 14
T Mitchell 21 - M Pennington 16
D Rankin 30 - B King 7
S Alden 12 - B Garrett 18

City 134 - Country 88

Countryweek now kicks off with many country bowlers spreading across the city for their singles action today. Good luck to all the bowlers competing in the next week and a bit, Bowls WA will have a Google docs sheet going, click the link here to keep on top of all the scores during the day

28th Feb 18 - Bowls WA have announced the sides and details about the game tomorrow night at Osborne Park, the link is here

27th Feb 18 - The annual City vs Country All Stars game is on again this Thursday night, squads to be announced later today but it's an event both city and country bowlers look forward to and with the domination of state events by country bowlers this year, it promises to be a cracking game. Game kicks off at Osborne Park at 6.30pm.

I will also put the draws for Countryweek in the draws section of the site. Some enticing games coming up in all disciplines. If anyone wants to provide a run down of the event this week or even as the games are being played, happy to print them, send to me at

5th Mar 18 - Midland Morrison have sent a photo of some prescription glasses that have been left at their club over the journey, have a look and if they look like yours then give Winston Evill a ring on 0409294793

Hi All

Just a reminder that we are starting the under 18,s Junior Coaching Clinic up again. If you have any Kids, Grandkids, friends or neighbours wanting to have a go please let them know.

Players are welcome from all areas and neighbouring clubs.

Start Date - This Saturday the 10th Feb 2018
Start Time - 9.00am finished approx. 10.30am
Duration – Four Weeks
Venue - Quinn’s Bowling Club
Coach - Don McKenzie
Cost - No Charge
Equipment - All supplied from Quinn’s Club

After the four week clinic finishes there will be the inaugural Quinn’s Rocks Under 18,s singles championship with a further opportunity to play in the State Under18,s Championship later in the year.

We would like to also offer at this time Full Membership to the Bowling Club for the rest of this season at a cost of $20.00 and also offer your first full uniform Shirt ,Shorts /Pants and Hat for a one of cost of $25.00

If you have any further queries please feel free to contact

Shane Smith|Director
ph 0458588030

Bowls WA Men’s Selection Panel has announced the Final Men’s State Squad Selections. These players were selected from the Trial Squad to vie for a position in the 2018 Side representing Western Australia at the Australia Sides Championships in Northern Territory at Darwin and Nightcliff Bowling Clubs May 2nd – 5th 2018.

The 16-strong Squad includes ten of the twelve Side Players from last year alongside two prior state players in Dave Rankin and Scott Walker. Three other new selections hold past and current State Game wins with the most current being Warren Holt from Wagin who recently won the 2018 State Singles, Anthony Williams of Manning winning the 2017 State Pairs while runner-up in the Singles, and Blake Nairn from Bassendean who won the 2017 State Singles and 2015 Pairs. Ryan Moyle from Doubleview rounds out the selection of 16 squad members – Ryan has had an excellent first year skipping in Premier League currently sitting 7th on the skippers ladder.

The Final State Side will be announced mid-March prior to the Side Series commencing in May.

Men’s 2018 State Squad

Clive Adams - Cambridge (2017)
Bill Brandsma - Doubleview (2017)
Lewis Grigg - Osborne Park (2017)
Warren Holt - Wagin
Shane Knott - Manning (2017)
Kyle McIlroy - Doubleview (2017)
Thomas Mitchell - Manning (2017)
Matthew Mitchell - Manning (2017)
Ryan Moyle - Doubleview
Blake Nairn - Bassendean
Cody Packer - Osborne Park (2017)
Daniel Patterson - Cambridge (2017)
David Rankin - Doubleview
John Slavich - Stirling (2017)
Scott Walker - South Perth
Anthony Williams - Manning

State Men’s Selection Panel: Coach – Tony Hockey, Assistant Coach – Lindsay Thorn, Chair of Selectors – Roger Barns, Selector – Glyn Vaughan, Selector – Mike Zusman

**Courtesy Bowls WA**


With the country zone games about to commence, it has re-ignited a thought of mine about the city zones, and why we don’t in the city have something similar. I remember when I first moved to Perth in 2003 that I got selected for a zone game, but in those days it was more about giving people a go from a variety of clubs and they weren’t very serious affairs. For me I loved it, but they died away and I don’t think we have had any since.

I see a lot of benefits to our state side if we got these going again and made them a serious competition, something to play for, something that will look good on a players resume that they have achieved a city zone win, representative game and the like. I think Bowls WA have already got clubs into zones but below is my list of the 60 odd city clubs and the zones they could potentially belong to –

ClaremontInnalooHilton ParkBassendean
DoubleviewMerriwa AFASafety BayBedford
InglewoodNorth BeachCockburnForrestfield
Lake MongerOsborne ParkEast FremantleGosnells
MelvilleQuinns RocksFremantleKalamunda
Mt LawleyScarboroughKardinyaMaylands
Mt PleasantSorrentoKwinanaMidland Morrison
Perth and TattersallsStirlingLeemingMorley
South PerthValleyManningMundaring
Victoria Parl CarlisleWannerooMosman ParkPickering Brook
***This is my list and only to be used as a guide, not definitive***

So, from these clubs, we could have the following potential players, in no particular order –

Central – Adams, Patterson, J Sharp, Harris, Strahan, Bessant, Brandsma, McIlroy, Moyle, Rankin, C Slavich, White, Staples, S Walker, A Sharp, Pauling

Northern – Dempsey, Clayton, Gillingham, Grigg, Mawdsley, Packer, Stevens, Caffell, Lander, Loftus, B Ball, J Slavich, Hoffman, Golem, Davies, Douthie

Southern – McKay, Wachmer, Foy, Comrie, Galipo, Kemp, Knott, Marsland, T Mitchell, M Mitchell, Williams, Withers, Wishart, P Walker, Lang

Eastern – Manton, Nairn, J Opie, Alden, Nicholls, Provost, Bainbridge, Butler, Cox, Warne, Hutchinson, A Southern, P Park

***Again, not a definitive list but a guide as to who could represent the zones***


The benefits as I see them could be as follows, again in no particular order –

STATE SQUAD SELECTION – If we use the zone games as a selection process for the City vs Country game at Osborne Park (and that’s exactly what the Country Zone games do), we can then use that game as a state squad selection process, and then use the next month as bonding games for the final state side selection.

It means that people do not have to commit 6 months in order to gain state side representation, but can enjoy their bowls for the first 12 pennant games, state events, club events and then when the zonal games commence then they can implement any state team rules at that stage.

CLUB EVENTS – The clubs that currently have state squad players either work their club events around the availability of their squad reps or the squad reps don’t even play in the games. That puts a lot of pressure on clubs to find enough dates on the calendar to hold all their club events so that state squad reps can play. By holding off on squad selection until March, clubs can have more free dates to get their club events done and dusted and have all of their club players involved.

STATE SIDE PLAYERS PLAYING IN POSITION – What I mean by this is that when we have the zone games, the zones are loaded with talent and so potential state leaders can be asked to lead in the zone games and hone that craft in a competitive environment. The same can be said for 2nds and 3rds. Most of our state side historically have come from skippers and that’s because they are generally our best bowlers, but in a zone environment, not everyone can skipper and it gives our selectors a good look at players playing in a position and see how they handle it over a few games

CLUB MOVEMENT – I’ve wondered for a while whether our mass player movements occur because bowlers want an opportunity to play at a top level, but if a club gets demoted from PL, will these zonal games see better players stay at a club they enjoy, and still ply their trade at a high level of competition, even if for only 3 or 6 games whether that would be enough for them to stay and not transfer? I’m don’t know if it would, but it might.

LADDERING – By this I mean it provides a player with a stepping stone to greater heights. At the moment the gap between Premier League and the state side is pretty big, where a zone game represents a rung on a ladder in between and give players with prospects such as Sean Mawdsley, Beau Manton, Dale Marsland, Miles Kemp etc an opportunity to play at the next level of bowls and then the climb is not as high to the next level. In other states they play plenty of “test matches” against other states during the year where they can blood people on a regular basis, but we don’t have that luxury, so these zone games are the next best thing. Perhaps if we can institute test matches against South Australia and Northern Territory then that can be another level again.

SELECTORS – The 4 zones can have the state selectors in charge of that zone, and they can organise that zone how they like. Have a practice hit-out, pick the side how they see it but with a view to a state squad selection, and then when the time comes to choose the state squad they have seen lots of games from lots of players and can make an informed judgement.

FRIDAY NIGHTS – I see the games as being played on Friday night in January and February, rotating venues through the zones and this can give exposure to other bowlers who like watching good bowls. I would have thought these games would be of a high quality, clubs can put on food, bar revenue would be good for the host club, expose the game at it highest level to all bowlers.

These are only thoughts and trying to improve our game, bring it to the people but ultimately improving our higher level bowlers by getting them to play more quality games that mean something and hopefully then, the flow on effect would be to win that Alley Shield again. I’m happy for people to be critical of my thoughts, refine it a bit and make comment on it. Send me a note on my contact page

Bowls WA Women’s Selection Panel has announced the Final Women’s State Squad Selections. These players were selected from the Training Squad to vie for a position in the 2018 Side representing Western Australia at the Australia Sides Championships in Northern Territory at Darwin and Nightcliff Bowling Clubs May 3rd – 6th 2018.

The 16-strong Squad includes eleven of the twelve Side Players from last year missing Shenayde Heldt and reinstating Noelene Abe, who had been replaced by Kelli Wray. New to the Squad this year is Jill Adam from Geraldton, Robyn Jolly from Manning, Jenny Rogalski and Kim Simms from Dudley Park, and a returning Linda Warburton from Mosman Park.

The Final State Side will be announced mid-March prior to the Side Series commencing in May.

State Squad 2017
Noelene Abe - Corrigin
Jill Adam - Geraldton
Hailey Adams - Osborne Park
Lisa Featherby - Mosman Park
Helen Heal - Manning
Robyn Jolly - Manning
Kristina Krstic - Manning
Toni Madigan - Manning
Laura Merz - Manning
Helen Morss - Manning
Robyn O’Brien - Manning
Rhonda Prosser - North Beach
Jenny Rogalski - Dudley Park
Kim Simms - Dudley Park
Shari Solly - Manning
Linda Warburton - Mosman Park

State Women’s Panel: Coach - Therese Hastings, Assistant Coach - Elaine McDonald, Selector - Helen Stevens, Selector - Jaewyn Norton

Source Bowls WA

26th Nov 17 - Innaloo have tried to forge ahead with the re-build of their club and they have received some donations of money and time from their members and have re-developed the area in front of the clubhouse. If you haven't been there recently it looks fantastic, some photos here -


The area has already generated revenue for the club with function hire and with the hot weather just around the corner, the club is hoping this area can generate more revenue and spruce up more of the club. Already a kids area is being developed and more changes are on the cards

26th Nov 17 - Whilst I was overseas, the Mens State Squad of 24 bowlers was announced and I didn't have a chance to list the personnel. With the resignation of Pieter Harris, would the selectors will the gap with someone? They have elected to do so, with recent State Fours winner and also State Triples winner from a couple of seasons ago Kevin McKay filling the void. Congratulations to him and to all the 24 that have been picked at this stage. The list is as follows -

Clive Adams Cambridge (2017 Side)
Corey Bessant Doubleview (2017 Side)
Bill Brandsma Doubleview (2017 Side)
Lewis Grigg Osborne Park (2017 Side)
Warren Holt Wagin
Miles Kemp Manning
Shane Knott Manning (2017 Side)
Beau Manton Bassendean
Dale Marsland Manning
Sean Mawdsley Osborne Park
Kyle McIlroy Doubleview (2017 Side)
Kevin McKay Armadale
Thomas Mitchell Manning (2017 Side)
Matthew Mitchell Manning (2017 Side)
Ryan Moyle Doubleview
Blake Nairn Bassendean
Cody Packer Osborne Park (2017 Side)
Daniel Patterson Cambridge (2017 Side)
David Rankin Doubleview
Mark Simpson Dudley Park
Charlie Slavich Doubleview
John Slavich Stirling (2017 Side)
Scott Walker South Perth
Anthony Williams Manning

20th Nov 17 - Quinn's Rocks has started an Under 18s Coaching session on Saturday Mornings.
Our first day was well attended with Nine prospective players all having a go and what a day it was with some very real talent out there.
One of our Juniors Callum Potter has never picked up a bowl before and had three touches in the short game we had after coaching. Hope we can convince him to continue on as with him and all the others their enthusiasm was right up there.
Quinns Coaching
Quinns Coaching
So thanks to Callum, Jacob, Thomas ,Sam ,Cody ,Ryan, Mason, Mathew and Mathew.(Thanks also to the Mums and Dads and Grandparents that brought the kids along) Also big shout out to Bowls WA for their assistance and to our Club Coach Don McKenzie ,without people like Don putting their hand up to help out, our great game would suffer, so thanks again Don.
Now coaching continues this Saturday 9.00am for a 9.30am start and will be completed by 11.00am. It is proposed to organise a small game from another club in about two weeks and then we will select one or two teams and enter them into the Quinn's Jack Attack Comp starting on Dec-1st If anybody is interested in joining please come along and have a go you have got nothing to lose.
Cost = Free
Gear = Quinn's can supply all the Gear required, training drills, bowls,etc
You can contact Shane Smith on 0458588030 if anyone is interested

1st Nov 17 - Cody Packer is doing the Movember cause again this year, which has been such a good cause for male diseases and depression over the years. The link to his page is here and we will track his growth and donation performance over the next month, It is a worthy cause and if can spare a few dollars then donate through Cody. If anyone else is doing the same thing, send me your link and a before picture and I will be happy to promote it.

The link is here

21st Oct 17 - High drama at Innaloo again and this time sees the resignation of the whole bowls committee and a mass walkout of bowlers, predominantly men 1st division bowlers which has led to the withdrawal of the Saturday One White side and the Midweek Premier League team. Of course their withdrawal will affect every division downwards so it is a huge move. More information will be known Monday when Bowls WA will make an announcement regarding the teams moving up. It will probably mean a complete re-work of the draws but it's surely better than a weakened side playing in a high division.

21st September 17 - The Everest Singles event, the largest event of it's kind certainly held here in WA is now only about a month away, and Russell Tyrrell from the Dudley Park Bowling Club has sent through the latest updates on players.

Everest Tournament

Check the Facebook page for updates, and the live draw is likely to be conducted live on their Facebook maybe this week

10th September 17 - the Womens State Squad of 22 has been announced, this article direct from the Bowls WA website here and copied below -

Bowls WA Women’s Selection Panel have announced the Women’s State Training Squad for trials to represent Western Australia at the 2018 Australia Sides Championships in Northern Territory at Darwin and Nightcliff Bowling Clubs May 3rd – 6th 2018.

The Squad includes eleven of the twelve Side Players from last year, missing only Shenayde Heldt who has moved to the Northern Territory and may well be an opponent at next years Series!

Noelene Abe returns to Squad selections after having to step down from the Side last year due to health concerns. Linda Warburton has come out of semi-retirement from the Open Women’s Team after announcing last year that she would be focusing on the Over 60’s events. Kim Simms and Debra Rhine return to again compete for a position on the State Side, while newcomers Jill Adam, Rhonda Creyk, Robin Higgins, Robyn Jolly, Wendy Marsh, Jenny Rogalski, and Sally Wilke are sure to put their best bowls forward whilst competing for Side Selection in March 2018.

With a slightly different format this year, the initial 22 Women selected will form part of the Women’s State Training Squad. This Training Squad will be reduced in number to 16 to form the final Women’s State Squad prior to Christmas. The State Side will be announced mid-March prior to the Side Series commencing in May.

State Women’s Panel: Coach - Therese Hastings, Assistant Coach - Elaine McDonald, Selector - Helen Stevens, Selector - Jaewyn Norton

Training Squad 2017
Noelene Abe - Corrigin
Jill Adam - Geraldton
Hailey Adams - Osborne Park
Rhonda Creyk - Thornlie
Lisa Featherby - Mosman Park
Helen Heal - Manning
Robin Higgins - Osborne park
Robyn Jolly - Manning
Kristina Krstic - Manning
Toni Madigan - Manning
Wendy Marsh - Mundaring
Laura Merz - Manning
Helen Morss - Manning
Robyn O’Brien - Manning
Rhonda Prosser - North Beach
Debra Rhine - North Beach
Jenny Rogalski - Dudley Park
Kim Simms - Dudley Park
Shari Solly - Manning
Linda Warburton - Mosman Park
Sally Wilke - Manning
Kelli Wray - Manning

16th August 17 - Melville Magic On The Move

Approximately six years ago the Melville Bowling Club approached the City of Melville with a request for support with the installation of one synthetic green. The City answered no to the request and the Melville Bowling Club representatives at the time were actually more surprised when the City advised that they would like to relocate the bowling club from it’s current location.

Garry McCormack the bowling club president at that time and his committee were sent into a spin and along with the clubs members voted against and fought off any idea of relocating. The club continued to be competitive on the greens and worked extremely hard to make sure the Melville Bowling Club remained financially secure and sustainable over the following years.

In recent times however and after many long and drawn out meetings with the City, the bowling club presidents and club management group, followed by two club member voting processes, the club has now voted on moving to a new “state of the art” bowling complex at the nearby Tompkins Park Sporting Centre. Obviously the move has outraged some members, which is understandable given the bowling clubs existence at the current location for over 60 years however in the whole, the majority of members have agreed on the move and look forward to moving into the fantastic new complex at Tompkins Park consisting of 4 x synthetic greens, two greens covered by an all weather structure along with a refurbishment of the current Tompkins Park Sporting Centre to suit bowling club requirements. The move to the new complex will at the same time see an amalgamation of Melville Bowling Club and the nearby Mount Pleasant Bowling Club to form a larger and stronger new entity club in readiness for 2018/19 pennant season start.

After recent elections at Melville we again see Gary McCormack back in the president seat and a working group consisting of representatives from both bowling clubs continues to work closely with the City of Melville making progress with the new bowling club complex design, amalgamation and transition.

Gary was recently quoted, “After some very stressful times, we can now see some light at the end of the tunnel. Majority of club members can’t wait to get to play at our new state of the art bowling complex. It’s been a long and hard journey but now it’s getting exciting.”

Look out bowling world, there appears to be a very strong club about to evolve and with what sounds like could possibly be the best bowling facility in this state!

Melville Bowling Club Management Group

13th August 17 - "There have been a lot of rumours and facebook posts regarding the Innaloo Mens Bowling Club.

Be assured we are alive and well.

A new committee has been voted in including experienced selectors Cameron Hoffman(chairman), Barry Woods, Russell Hill and Rob Marlin.

By finishing 4th in Saturday division 1 white and 7th in Thursday 1 red (after being in 4th position prior to the last round) we have retained both these grades. Our second division team in both competitions finished in the top four and pushed hard for promotion to 1st division.

Rumours of an exodus of players are incorrect. 1st team backend players who have committed to play for the 2017/18 season are; Cameron Hoffman, Jerome Clayton, Wayne Hartzer, Andrew Tennant, Ben Poggi and Terry Cranswick, giving us a solid platform to build from. The strenght of our performances last year was our overall depth with consistent performances from all 16 players. The nucleus of our frontend players remains in tack.

In early September the carpet playing surface will be replaced. Minor work on the underlay and concrete base will further enhance the quality of the playing surface. Members continue to enjoy the undercover facilities with no sun, lower temperatures, no need for hats or sunblock and less wind.

Take the mighty REDBACKS for granted at your own peril.

Terry Cranswick

Men’s President"

10th August 17The recent Bowls WA Board meeting for July contained an interesting discussion point –

7.2 BPL / Perth Suns The CEO tabled two reports on the performance of the team in New Zealand; one from BA and the other from Coach Therese Hastings. Each was very complimentary on the performance of the team. BA had sought the finalisation of each of the franchise teams by 15th August for BPL#6.

There was general discussion on the perceived value of the franchise to achieve its primary objective of increasing participation in the sport; noting that it was difficult to draw any direct correlation between involvement as a franchise and increased participation. It was noted that Bowls SA had withdrawn from the BPL citing cost pressures and the better utilisation of financial resources.

After a query from Tim Murray the CEO informed the Board of BWA’s contractual arrangements as a Licensee, confirming a further two years remained on the existing Agreement. Board members expressed differing opinions on the continuation of the team in the competition, with Vince Del Prete seeking further information before being subject to any form of vote; noting a commitment made via the Licence Agreement and no prior communication with BA on the matter.

The President sought the Board’s position on the continuation of the Perth Suns licence currently owned by BWA. A majority decision to seek release from the Agreement as per the terms of the contract was reached, with the CEO to contact Bowls Australia as a matter of urgency to inform them of this position.

There are things of note to come out this which people may not be aware of. One is that Bowls SA have already withdrawn from the BPL, so Adelaide Endurance will not participate in any future BPL’s. The second is that we in WA want to, but may see out this season but withdraw for any future years. Bowls WA alluded to financial constraints and a difficulty in showing a return on investment from playing in the BPL.

It is surprising considering how well both organisations have done over the years - Adelaide barely missing a finals series and Perth also very consistently in the finals apart from last year, but even then, only just missing out - surprising in that both organisations aren’t earning enough back in prizemoney to justify the cost. Also interesting to note is that SA and WA are the only sides funded by the states governing body (maybe NZ, not to sure) but the other sides funded by private clubs (read pokies).

With costs approximately $40-$50k, it is hard to justify the spend from a purely monetary viewpoint. What is WA getting from that sort of spend? Not much, the development of 3 of our bowlers, the exposure of the sport in the state, but we are seeing the continued decrease in numbers, so obviously the exposure is not converting people to the sport here. And with only Kristina Krstic getting recognized in the Australian sides, the development of those few people is not working.

I think it’s a good move to pull out of the APL - the absence of pokies or a significant sponsor is the killer really, that money can be better spent elsewhere. Grass roots seems to be the buzz word courtesy of the Australian cricketers, so will those funds be put towards grass roots bowls? I don’t think people mind us keeping the $40k, but we would like to see it spent on bowls I suspect and not in general revenue. Increasing the prizemoney for state and country week events, purchase of jack attack equipment for all clubs, assisting with the conversion of players from other sports (cricket, tennis, netball, football) joining bowls somehow, creating a junior league or a schools league for players under 18 on Saturday mornings.

I loved seeing our WA bowlers on the big screen and being very competitive in the big league, Clive Adams, Tom Mitchell, Matt Ellul, John Slavich and Krstina Krstic and will hate not seeing them and others in the future and firmly believe that for the APL to be a success, Bowls Australia need to have all the states involved, but also agree that the costs are prohibitive for us and SA to continue competing without the private dollar. It’s a shame, but the right decision has been made.

If you would like to comment on this, please email me at

31st July 17 - Something that is going viral is the plight of the Chadstone Bowling Club in Melbourne, and the cover of the Beyonce song Single Ladies by some elderly lady bowlers at the club. Click the link to watch and read all about it

Link here

29th July 17 - Today, I and about 150 others attended the Bowls WA AGM and the big drawcard, prompting such a large attendance, was the vote concerning the season’s fixtures for 2017/18. A person I spoke with who has attended many AGMs over the years said it was the highest attendance they’d ever seen by far! The change to a 14-game pennant season has had a real impact and interest was high in the motion which would see it revert back to the traditional 18. I won’t be reporting on the AGM but solely on the vote itself.

We had 3 clubs invited to speak both FOR and AGAINST the motion this morning and below is a summary of what was said, without naming the clubs involved.

• There will be a revenue costs to clubs;
• No fallback plan for now or in the future if it fails;
• No uniformity across competitions;
• No automatic promotion from 1st division to Premier League;
• This was the only chance clubs had had to vote after consultation with its members;
• The previous forum had been a proposal for change and not a vote;
• Will result in the demise of small clubs;
• 14 games will not increase bowls memberships or willingness from non-bowlers;
• Break around Christmas time and January too long between pennant games;
• Decrease in playing numbers on match days;
• Finances will reduce through lower players on match days;
• Christmas break too long for non-state event players, may not return to game.

• Loss of over 5,000 bowlers across WA meant that a change was needed;
• Members were in favour of a shorter season;
• Only 11 clubs had experienced an increase in membership and doing the same thing, year after year, will see a continual decline;
• One club found that, by hiring the venue out for corporate functions, in place of pennants, created a better financial result;
• Elected representatives are there to make changes for the betterment of bowls;
• Disappointment in the motion being made and allowing the motion to succeed was potentially damaging;
• Minority of thoughts to sway the majority of views;
• Clubs had been given plenty of notice to make comment before the presidents’ forum.

Vote  City  Country  Total
For   38   10    48
Against 27    3     30
Abstain 0   1      1

Bowls WA president Kerry Anderson was diplomatic about the result but obviously disappointed. She now urged all bowlers to work together to improve members’ and playing conditions in the years ahead. She again mentioned the loss of the Challenge Cup was disappointing, especially in the eyes of new sponsor BLK.

The feedback I have heard today, and also in the lead up to the AGM, was that bowlers are responding positively towards the Challenge Cup and it is true that Bowls needs to find a competition that appeals to those with a shorter attention-span. Certainly at my club all attendees were positive about playing in the Challenge Cup and the few clubs that have been trialing the format have enjoyed it, so why do we need to ditch the concept? Perhaps it could be played as a voluntary Friday night competition in February? Perhaps it could be played in late April/May when the greens are running great, the weather is perfect for bowls, there are less public holidays to contend with and it can be run as a continuous week to week competition. The popularity of the various pairs competitions around the place shows that quite a few bowlers are still keen to play at that time of the year.

The challenge for Bowls WA will now be to alter the fixtures that have already been released and to work out which teams will be promoted, or demoted or stay the same. The difficulty will be where to insert the additional four games into the current 14-game fixture. The current fixture has the State Triples on the 6th January and the Challenge Cup on the 13th and 20th, with the State Singles commencing on the 21st and through to the Australia Day weekend like normal. My suggestion would be to move the State Triples back to April, thus creating three Saturdays in January for Pennants. There had been a lot of angst about the stop start nature of January’s fixture anyway and using those three Saturdays for Pennants would certainly alleviate that.

After the vote, the organisers of the Everest 64 appealed to Bowls WA not to move the State Fours forward to their weekend of the 14th October to make way for an additional pennant round at the start of the season. From what was mentioned, 20 gun bowlers are coming from interstate to compete in the Everest which means about 40 of our most talented locals (assuming most will be city bowlers) will take the remaining places. I’m sure they won’t be in favour of anything as significant as a State event being scheduled on the same day. This leaves only the weekend of the 20th for the State Fours and the 27th for the commencement of Pennant bowls; as they are currently scheduled in the existing fixture. What this means is that we are likely to have a double header weekend somewhere in the season. Double headers have historically not been popular with bowlers, but I think it would be more appealing than a pennant game on the 23rd December!

It was an interesting morning and seeing the revised fixturing, when it is released in a few weeks’ time, will be just as interesting. Stay tuned!

26th July 17 - Bowls Australia have announced the disbanding of the state NTC programs and replaced it with an Australia wide emerging squads program instead. Link Here

19th July 17 - More than a rumour: Former Australian champion-of-champions singles winner, Jeff Hall, will be lining up for Mount Pleasant this coming bowls season. So too are Merv Hughes and John Aitken from Melville.

The Mounties have one more year left at its Bedford Road (Ardross) premises before moving to Tompkins Park where a new $9.4 million combined sporting complex, incorporating a state-of-the-art lawn bowls facility, will be established.

Design work is already underway for the new bowls facility, which promises to be the best of its kind in Australia, if not the world. Scheduled to be open for the start of the 2018/19 bowls season, the new bowls facility will comprise four 40-square-metre sand-filled synthetic, fully lit and fully reticulated bowling greens, two of which will be under cover.

Already the Western Australian Bowling Arm Association has expressed early interest in staging a national championship bowls event at Tompkins Park in 2019.

The use of prosthetic bowling arms has taken off in a big way across Australia, so much so that an estimated 15,000 people now use the devices to deliver their bowls. In WA an estimated 2,500 bowlers use prosthetic arms for pennant and social bowls – and the number is growing.

Last year the Darwin Bowls Club opened a new undercover bowling rink, and its membership and bar takings rose by 25-30 per cent within 12 months. The attraction of a new facility that offers out-of-the-sun comfort to bowlers in the heat of summer was a major reason for the big boost in club membership.

No doubt the same will happen at Tompkins Park when bowlers from the Mount Pleasant and Melville bowling clubs combine to establish their newly branded combined club over the next 12 months.

Whether a proposed wave park project at Melville goes ahead or not – and there has been plenty of opposition to it already – development of the new multi-million dollar bowling facility at Tompkins Park will definitely go ahead.

Meanwhile, it is business as usual at the Mount Pleasant Bowling Club where members are as enthusiastic as ever. Members are looking forward to playing all of their pennant games for the 2017/18 season on the existing smooth, fast-running A and B grass greens at Bedford Road before they shift to Tompkins Park later next year.

Mount Pleasant pennant bowls selector John Terrell (Tel 0402615720) is keen to hear from anyone who might be interested in joining the Mounties this coming pennant season ahead of the expected membership rush that is likely when the shift to Tompkins Park takes place in September or October 2018.

14th July 17 - With the upcoming AGM and the all important vote for or against the motion to revert the season back to an 18 game season, Bowls WA have sent to clubs, both country and city, about the vote and their position concerning it.

Letter to city clubs

Letter to country clubs

29th June - it seems I have the rules of voting slightly wrong. When it comes to the votes, only a majority margin of the votes received needs to occur in order for the motion to be carried, but all clubs in WA can vote if they wish. This changes the landscape somewhat and I think it promises to be a very close vote and an interesting AGM regardless of the result.

27th June - The upcoming Bowls WA AGM includes a motion to revert the season back to an 18 game season from the 14 game season being implemented for next season. Below are the documents sent from Bowls WA, including the motion and the section of the constitution covering notice of motions -

Notice of Motion

Notes accompanying motion

In case you've lived under a rock for 12 months of bowls seasons, Metreopolitan Perth next season will change from a 10 team 18 game season to a 8 team 14 game season per division, and also implementing a Triples Challenge Cup to fill in the holes left in the season. John Goddard particularly took umbridge at that and has spent the past 6 months putting together a team of people to reverse this decision and have submitted the notice of motion attached.

Essentially the motion is saying we should go back to how we have played pennants in the city for decades. In order for it to be upheld, a majority of clubs in WA need to support the motion. This is all clubs in WA, not only the Metropolitan clubs impacted by the change in the season. There are around 60 clubs in Metro WA, so even if all of those clubs support the motion, at least another 40 clubs will also need to vote in favour. My understanding is the Metro clubs need to be in attendance to vote, so their absence will mean a non-support of the motion.

It seems a mountain too high to climb for John Goddard and the Osborne Park Bowling Club but I admire the action of him and his team. In essence they probably need the support of about 60 or more country clubs to get it upheld, that will require some major phoning around. It will also require the attendance to the AGM of the Metro clubs in order to place their votes, again some major phoning around.

There could be some huge ramifications out of this vote, dismissed or upheld. What if the motion fails, but 50 of the metro clubs all vote for the 18 game season. With such a majority of clubs wanting an 18 game season for those directly affected by the change, will Bowls WA revert the season back to 18 games anyway? If upheld and the 18 game season played, what happens to last seasons results, who then gets promoted and demoted through all the divisions? Has Bowls WA got a back-up plan in case the 18 game season goes ahead?

The bowls AGM is on the 29th July, and whether you supporet or denounce the motion, it is certainly one that all bowlers should attend as the future of our sport in this state in on the line.

Let me know your thoughts, email me at

10th June - Bowls Australia have announced plans for the BPL Cup, details can be found at this link -


First thought are this is a great innovation for bowls and the club bowler to form a team from his club and try his or her hand at qualifying. This year the annual Mandurah APL which has only one team from each club competing and the winning team will get a trip to the BPL in November for 3 players. From next year onwards it then opens up to many entrants from one club all trying to qualify, potentially having regional winning teams before a State Final to decide the winner. To me this is a much better way of introducing a new style of bowls rather than forcing clubs to compete in the Challenge Cup for the next season onwards. I think the BPL Cup will be a hit amongst clubs and bowlers, time will tell.