15th February 2025 - Results are in
14th February 2025 - One White Preview is in
13th February 2025 - Teams are in for Round 13, Premier League and Blue South Previews
12th February 2025 - The draws for the massive mens Country Week have been released.
11th February 2025 - Warwick have sent details for their upcoming carnival and Eaton have a carnival for Camp Quality
11th February 2025 - And now White as well, Blue is now ready to read
10th February 2025 - Premier League and Blue South reviews are posted
8th February 2025 - The scores are in!
7th February 2025 - One White and Blue South previews are posted
6th February 2025 - Teams are in and the PL preview
4th February 2025 - Premier League and Blue South review is in, and now White
2nd February 2025 - The results have now been uploaded
31st January 2025 - Premier League and Blue south previews have been lodged
30th January 2025 - Some teams are in, Blue North preview is in.
29th January 2025 - The details for the Doubleview Masters Pairs for men has been sent to me. Keep in mind the dates have changed to March instead of February
28th January 2025 - Got this letter about the future of pennants
28th January 2025 - Some tournaments have been sent in from Belmont, Victoria Park Carlisle and Dudley Park
28th January 2025 - to go to Streamer to view, or go to the Bowls WA Facebook page
26th January 2025 - We are down to the quarter finalists in the men and the semi finalists in the women. I understand the final will be live streamed, when I get more details I will post the link.
20th January 2025 - The state singles sectional and 1 knockout game have been played, full results on the results page
26th January 25 - We have a winner! No need to countback, Tristan Massang correctly tipping 82 of a possible 128 correctly, the next best was 81. Congratulations Tristan, you have a $100 gift voucher courtesy of Perth Bowls Centre and Dennis Pattullo. Thanks again Dennis for your contribution to the site. All tippers scores are now listed, please check if you are there and advise if your name is missing.
13th January 25 - And with the release of the state singles we also have the tipping! For anyone wanting to go through the arduous task of tipping in 128 sections, the reward at the end is a $100 voucher from Perth Bowls Centre, thanks once again to Dennis Pattullo for your generosity and support of the website. Ok, there are rules and i will outline again below -
-the person with the most correct tips will take the prize.24th January 2025 - North Beach have sent details of their challenge in February
22nd January 2025 - Blue North is in
20th January 2025 - One Blue South review is in, Premier League now in as well
19th January 2025 - Results are in
16th January 2025 - A couple of new tournaments to think about, in Belmont or Scarborough
17th January 2025 - All the previews are now in
16th January 2025 - Blue North preview is in
15th January 2025 - First lot of teams are through for 2025
13th January 25 - The state singles draw has been released
12th January 25 - South West League and Southern have announced their rep side.
5th January 25 - The Eastern zone have sent the results of the Zone games this weekend
30th December 24 - The Murray District League has sent their team in
23rd December 24 - As is customary at this time of the year, the country zones teams and previews start to happen. the Phantom has sent his preview for the Eastern Zone. No teams yet but hopefully this will trigger some more information to be sent in.
9th January 25 - Eaton have details for their Classic Fours in February
8th January 25 - Scarborough have sent the flyer for their gala day
7th January 25 - Celebrate 100 years at Mosman Park with their carnival in March
6th January 25 - The Yokine Allsorts pairs has a winner
6th January 25 - Another Morley member has passed away
4th January 25 - Suchy has sent a preview for the 2nd half of the season.
29th December 24 - And we have a winner! Well done to Blake Butler and Miles Kemp from Manning winning comfortably in the final against Dwayne Wooltorton and Mike Potente from Kalamunda 26-9.
27th December 24 - The sectional games are done and we are down to 43 pairs left. Most of our fancied teams have progressed which will make for a strong day of knockouts tomorrow. Games are played at Bassendean and Osborne Park commencing at 9.30am. Check the draw for more details.
28th December 24 - We have a winner! After 43 sections there were 2 left, Jamie Conway and Callum Williams, both with 30 correct tips. Callum went for Nairn/east and Jamie went for Trewhella/Knott. with the loss today of Nairn/East, it means that Jamie Conway is the winner of the $100 voucher cpourtesy of Perth Bowls Centre, now in Willetton. I will be in contact with Jamie during the week.
Full results now in the tipping page
24th December 24 - I've penned my thoughts on the mens state pairs section winners
18th December 24 - Tipping for the mens pairs is now open! We have some great news as well. Thanks to Dennis Pattullo at Perth Bowls Centre he has given me 3 x $100 vouchers to spend at the store for the next 3 tipping competitions. So we have to be pretty tight with our winners. So to refresh
-the person with the most correct tips will take the prize.24th December 24 - I've penned my thoughts on the mens state pairs section winners
18th December 24 - Tipping for the mens pairs is now open! We have some great news as well. Thanks to Dennis Pattullo at Perth Bowls Centre he has given me 3 x $100 vouchers to spend at the store for the next 3 tipping competitions. So we have to be pretty tight with our winners. So to refresh
-the person with the most correct tips will take the prize.23rd December 24 - Blue North review is in, now Premier League has landed!
21st December 24 - Results are in!
20th December 24 - White preview is in ***NOW FIXED***
19th December 24 - Round 9 already! teams are in and Blue north preview, Premier League also now in
18th December 24 - Morley have lost a couple of members this week
18th December 24 - The Mens State pairs draw is out. Tipping will be up later today with some exciting news.
17th December 24 - The Willetton twilight Fours is back on!
15th December 24 - South Perth have lost a member
18th December 24 - White is now uploaded
17th December 24 - Premier League review is in
16th December 24 - Looks like I forot the links! I'll get good at this one day. Blue North review is now in.
15th December 24 - Blue South review is in
14th December 24 - Results are now in
14th December 24 - All teams are now in
13th December 24 - White and Blue South previews are in
12th December 24 - Most teams are in, inc Premier League preview
14th December 24 - We have a winner! Coiingratulations to Jenny Parker and Denise Kelly in defeating Kristina Krstic and Helen Morss in yesterdays State Pairs. It is Parkers first state pairs and Kelly's 2nd. Beating legends of the sport would be a huge thrill for them.Full results can be found on the results page.
12th December 24 - Well I had completely overlooked the womens pairs commencing yesterday, I thought it was today. We are down to the semi finalists, being played tomorrow at Warwick. In sweltering conditions yesterday, out of a possible 90 games played there were 36 that were not played for a variety of reasons, mainly forfeits. That's 40% of games due to be played yesterday were not played. Should it have even proceeded? I know clubs did their very best with hydration and regular breaks but really, why did it even commence in such hot conditions. Anyway, it's done now, all the best to the teams left tomorrow.
12th December 24 - The state singles is now open, link can be found in the calendar page
10th December 24 - Some clubs have sent some flyers in, Perth & Tatts for their Australia Day, Yokine for their Allsorts Pairs, Rockingham and Corrigin as well.
9th December 24 - Blue South review is in, also Premier and Blue North
7th December 24 - Results are now in
9th December 24 - Just who did win this weekends Masters Pairs?
7th December 24 - A boating tragedy has seen the loss of life of a well liked Wanneroo bowler
6th December 24 - The Womens state pairs draw is now out
6th December 24 - Blue South and White previews now posted
5th December 24 - Most teams are in and also preivews for Premier League and Blue North
4th December 24 - Premier now posted. According to some readers interest wanes when not posted in a timely manner. I can acknowledge some of our retired readers do not do much else but press refresh every hour on the site for info and it's appreciated, but occasionally life gets in the way of doing Bowls 360 stuff. So apologies for that, I do upload everything I receive when I get the opportunity to do so.
3rd December 24 - White and Blue North review are now posted
2nd December 24 - Blue South review is in
30th November 24 - Results are in!
2nd December 24 - Received a really good letter about pennant start times.
29th November 24 - Most teams are in, except Manning like usual, but more importantly all previews are now in.
28th November 24 - Blue North & Premier previews are in
27th November 24 - Most teams are in
27th November 24 - The Welcome Fours at South Perth flyer has been sent to me
27th November 24 - The Morley Millions has been completed, also the Bassendean Masters Triples and I completely missed the Over 60's pairs for men and women winners
27th November 24 - Another transfer has occurred
26th November 24 - White and Premier are now reviewed
25th November 24 - The 2 blues reviews are in
23rd November 24 - Todays results have been posted.
22nd November 24 - All reviews are in, the usual suspects haven't uploaded teams yet so not all are complete.
21st November 24 - Most teams are in for Round 5
21st November 24 - It's not too late to change clubs, for only $100 you can still switch up until Xmas, as this player has done.
21st November 24 - Most teams are in for Round 5
19th November 24 - Was your club considering away stickers? Perhaps you might want to read this response.
15th November 24 - A response to the sticker query
13th November 24 - Something a bit different for my latest editorial
19th November 24 - Some tournaments have beened sent to me, the long standing Thornlie Ravens Classic and North Beach Everest qualifier
19th November 24 - White and Blue North to complete the round
18th November 24 - Premier League and Blue South reviews are in
16th November 24 - Scores are in!
16th November 24 - The draw has been released for the Masters Triples this weekend. Scroll to the bottom to check the draw and results
16th November 24 - Thanks to some more coding from Warwick Neville I can now produce a career stats area of the google sheets, the link is above. I am gradually entering information from the early 2000's and late 90's. Some names from back then are unfamiliar to me or my network of contacts, if you see a name that needs a first name or is mis-spelt, please let me know.
Also included is an area where I have listed the leading skippers of the years I have information for. Hopefully this will keep increasing as the years keep getting entered. For those stats hounds out there, enjoy!
15th November 24 - Some events coming up, Fremantle have their over 70's Fours, the Welcome 4's at Osborne Park and the Dennis Katunarich memorial at Doubleview
15th November 24 - White and Blue South done, and now premier league
14th November 24 - Blue North preview is in
13th November 24 - Most teams are in
13th November 24 - Something a bit different for my latest editorial
12th November 24 - The Masters Triples at Bassendean entries close tomorrow. Not many spots left but there are still some vacancies. Ring Matt Whitely for details about entry.
12th November 24 - One Blue North is in
10th November 24 - Premier review is in, Blue South is also in
9th November 24 - Round 3 scores are in
8th November 24 - White & Blue South has been posted
7th November 24 - Premier League and Blue North previews are in
6th November 24 - Round 3 teams are trickling in, will advise when previews arrive.
4th November 24 - One white now posted, premier league now in
4th November 24 - Blue North and South are in
2nd November 24 - Results for Round 2 are in.
4th November 24 - The xmas carnival at Bassendean is now taking entries and the 2nd division and under triples at Osborne Park has also opened.
1st November 24 - And we now have white to complete the round
1st November 24 - Premier League and Blue South previews are in
30th October 24 - Most teams are in and Blue North preview also been sent
29th October 24 - and now White has been uploaded
28th October 24 - Premier League and Blue North is in.
28th October 24 - One Blue South review is in.
27th October 24 - A very exciting Round 1 across 1st division with some surprising results.
28th October 24 - The state fours was completed yesterday at Kardinya. In what looked like fast but true conditions, the team of Ryan Brown, Dale Marsland, Tristan Massang, Kevin Crowle in the Mens and Karen Miller, Beryl Cooper, Bridget Michell, Anne Hornibrook for the women won both of their games to triumph. Commiserations to the vanquished but all the congratulations go towards the winning teams.
26th October 24 - Perth Bowls will be moving in approx. 4 to 6 weeks to UNIT1/27 AUGUSTA STREET, WILLETTON.
At present we have the indoor rink (approx. 23M long and 4.7 metres wide) and this needs to be removed. The carpet is on chip board. It is free to anyone who wants the rink but they have to dismantle and remove.
Ph Dennis Pattullo 08 62538972 to discuss if you want it
26th October 24 - I've added some stats for the Premier League which will be there every week going forward. I'm using the skipper stats I have been collating for the seasons since 2006 + 1997 and 1999 and have arfrived at Win,Loss, draw record for the skippers playing today. The record is only for the skippers and not the rink. Hopefully during the season I will be able to bring you records such as club head to head, player head to head, record scores and winning margins and more.
So going forward, the format is Skippers name (W,L,D)
25th October 24 - We've had a volunteer for Blue North, the "King In The North"!. Welcome, his preview his here
25th October 24 - Previews for PL and White now online. Now that all the teams are in, let's have a look at the impact of open gender. In the PL, there are 4 selections, 9 for White (inc 4 in 1 rink for Osborne Park), 6 in Blue North and 4 in Blue South. I won't be highlighting this every week but it will be interesting to see what happens as the season progresses.
24th October 24 - Most teams are in now and we also have the One Blue South season prediction and rd 1 preview. We still don't have a Blue North or female scribe. Any volunteers are more than welcome to assist.
23rd October 24 - Some more teams and also a prediction for the White division
22nd October 24 - Teams are starting to trickle through for the opening round on Saturday
19th October 24 - How has our Premier League correspondent viewed the season ahead?
21st October 24 - With less than a week to go, there are still movements happening
18th October 24 - Mosman Park have lost a character of the club
17th October 24 - Osborne Park lose a couple more?
17th October 24 - Ex Bedford and Morrison Park player passes away
14th October 24 - The Bassendean Masters Triples event in november has opened today. Only 24 teams maximum this year so get those entries in fast. to enter, flyer in the calendar
13th October 24 - We have a winner. and a runaway winner. Out of 38 sections Garry Booker correctly tipped 26 of them, 2 clear of the next person. Amazing tipping, well done to Garry. Unfortunately no prize but this season I will track the tips for all the state events and we can see who's had the best tipping year. For those interested Garry didn't even select a winner, such was his confidence of requiring it! Next event will be the Womens State Pairs.
3rd October 24 - It's not too late to enter the fours, at this stage we see the Daniel Trewhella and Kristina Krstic rinks start as favourites. Interestingly Krstic and Lisa Featherby who is the only other team tipped to win play each other in the section. Seems like winner of that game wins the title! Of course they won't be thinking that as plenty of good teams in the event, but interesting it has been tipped that way.
27th September 24 - ...and with every state event, we have a tipping comp! Same rules as always, no prizes this year unless a business is interested in a donation. The winner will be the person who tips the most correct skippers as listed by game start time. If there is a tie it will be separated by who you think will win the fours, both male and female and the highest of those tips will win. Should there still be a tie then a hat draw will take place.
In the interest of accuracy, if you know of changes to the teams listed, please advise updates so I can let people know. Especially those TBA!!!
12th October 24 - A character from Mt Lawley passed away last month
10th October 24 - Who saw this news article today? for the full news article. Is there anyone here who has left part of their estate to their bowlo?
10th October 24 - South Perth have some more player movements
8th October 24 - Funeral details for Fred today at 1pm
2nd October 24 - An Osborne Park stalwart has sadly passed away
6th October 24 - We are down to the semi finals and an exciting day we saw. All teams in the mens and ladies finals from last year are out, Kristina Krstic going down to Noelene Abe and Shane Giudice-Nairn losing on an extra end to Ryan Brown. We are guaranteed a Ryan in the final as Brown plays Moyle, With Wayne Neilson playing Paul Davies in the other. For the ladies, Abe will play Irene Arndt with Liz Matthews playing Karen Miller. With the venue unknown at this stage, it promises to be an exciting day on the 27th October.
6th October 24 - Ok feeling refreshed and ready to go. Good day of state fours yesterday and we are down to the knockout stages today at Kardinya. The section 10 battle between Kristina Krstic and Lisa Featherby didn't eventuate as the Featherby rink forfeited that match, gifting Krstic the rink. The remaining sections seemed to go as planned so the Ladies draw is in for some good games today.
In the mens, again it appears the favoured teams have mostly progressed. Section 6 produced a 0% win with Dwayne Hayden winning all 3 games to get through the section. The battle between Daniel Trewhella and Clive Adams was tight and it was Trewhella that triumphed by 3 shots. Section was decided by 1 shot, Darren Rowland and Kristian Carr both with 2 wins and a % of 133 but Rowland with +12 over Carr's +11 saw them progress. Last years year Shane Giudice-Nairn dropped a game but progress, as does last years runners up Matthew Mitchell. Another fine day weather wise for those wanting to watch some good fours bowls today at Kardinya.
5th October 24 - The results from todays state fours, I'll do my review in the morning coz I'm stuffed
4th October 24 - The pennant fixtures have been released for season 2024/25, and now the mad scramble begins for clubs wanting to swap games. to view.
3rd October 24 - It's not too late to enter the fours, at this stage we see the Daniel Trewhella and Kristina Krstic rinks start as favourites. Interestingly Krstic and Lisa Featherby who is the only other team tipped to win play each other in the section. Seems like winner of that game wins the title! Of course they won't be thinking that as plenty of good teams in the event, but interesting it has been tipped that way.
27th September 24 - ...and with every state event, we have a tipping comp! Same rules as always, no prizes this year unless a business is interested in a donation. The winner will be the person who tips the most correct skippers as listed by game start time. If there is a tie it will be separated by who you think will win the fours, both male and female and the highest of those tips will win. Should there still be a tie then a hat draw will take place.
In the interest of accuracy, if you know of changes to the teams listed, please advise updates so I can let people know. Especially those TBA!!!
2nd October 24 - I'm sure most people are aware of Matt Mitchell and wife Kate and the business they have created The Darcy Effect which helps kids like Darcy and the medical issues they have. It's going gangbusters, and they have 2 events coming up if you want to support them. for the VIP event in November and
for the Fangs on the Farm premiere
2nd October 24 - Looks like Ben Twist is back in town for the Vic Park Carlisle team, and this time you have a chance to play with him in their upcoming tournament
30th September 24 - The inaugural Rainbow Pairs at Doubleview is on in November
30th September 24 - My latest thoughts on the game
29th September 24 - Player movements are satill occurring, even as the season draws nearer
27th September 24 - Are there any readers who would like to be my female correspondent, Hattie has unfortunately retired and can no longer help, so any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Your anonymity is assured if desired, please contact me at info@bowls360.com.au
27th September 24 - The state fours draw has been released....
27th September 24 - ...and with every state event, we have a tipping comp! Same rules as always, no prizes this year unless a business is interested in a donation. The winner will be the person who tips the most correct skippers as listed by game start time. If there is a tie it will be separated by who you think will win the fours, both male and female and the highest of those tips will win. Should there still be a tie then a hat draw will take place.
In the interest of accuracy, if you know of changes to the teams listed, please advise updates so I can let people know. Especially those TBA!!!
24th September 24 - Leemings Halcyon Cup was completed over the weekend.
23rd September 24 - UIf you are a keen collector of bowls badges, then you might be interested in this offering from a bowler
20th September 24 - The exodus of Joondalup continues
18th September 24 - A very interesting letter has been sent in about bowls footwear.
18th September 24 - The time honoured St Ives Cup at Cambridge was played on the weekend.
17th September 24 - Spearwood are hosting a 1 day event on the public holiday this Monday
18th September 24 - This is now true!
17th September 24 - Has one of our greatest ever bowlers moved clubs?
17th September 24 - And we have our winners, well done to Charlie Slavich from Doubleview and Jenni McLaughlin from North Beach on their inaugural Mt Lawley Consistency Singles victories.
14th September 24 - We are down to the semi finals for both men and women, an exciting conclusion in store tomorrow.
11th September 24 - Day 1 and 2 for the womens has been played and they are down to 16.
9th September 24 - The first 2 days of the Mt Lawley Consistency for the men has been played, the ladies commence tomorrow and Day 3 of the mens on Friday. I'll try and update results as often as I can
7th September 24 - Fancy a job at a bowling club? Stirling are looking for someone
6th September 24 - Cambridge are still looking for 3 teams for their St Ives carnival on the 14th and 15th Sept
17th September 24 - All bowls are now gone, thanks to all who enquired.
4th September 24 - Perth & Tatts have an excess of bowls, would your club like them? around 25-30 sets, ring Rowdy on 0415935582 if interested.
3rd September 24 - The winners of Mt Lawley Classic 4's are...
3rd September 24 - Have Osborne Park been dealt a blow on the eve of the season?
31st August 24 - The draw for the Mens Consistency singles at mt Lawley has been released. Historically our first big event of the year and always a good tournament to see any moves that people have made in the off season that have escaped my radar.
28th August 24 - Someone has written a response
24th August 24 - With the state fours entries now open, to enter, my latest editorial talks about the entry fee and how I would distribute those funds.
22nd August 24 - The Police bowling club have sent me this to post -
The WA Police Bowling Club are looking for any current or ex-employees of WA Police that would be interested in joining our club.18th August 24 - Sadly got news of another 2 bowlers passing away recently
17th August 24 - A true gentleman in our sport has sadly passed away
16th August 24 - More movements, this time from South Perth
13th August 24 - north Perth are holding their charity 4's again this year. Last year they raised $36,000 and this year they are hoping to break that. Charity is Neuromuscular WA and they still have some vacancies
9th August 24 - The Everest is back!
7th August 24 - The Womens Internations kicks off this month and have been sent the teams for the inaugural event. I would encourage anyone not playing to go along and support from the sidelines, all money raised goes to a good cause.
6th August 24 - Something a bit different from Perth & Tatts to get bowlers to their club
6th August 24 - Armadale have recruited heavily trying to get back into 1st division. With these ins, you would think they are a shoe-in
31st July 24 - The state sides have been announced
30th July 24 - A word of warning from one of our bowlers.
27th July 24 - More news of movements, this time involving Kalamunda
27th July 24 - Eaton have sent details for this years split fours and Leeming with their skins comp
27th July 24 - Morley has lost a valued member
25th July 24 - The news continues to worsen at Joondalup as 2 more depart. It's hard to see them being competitive in White next year with all the departures.
21st July 24 - Sorrento confirm some movements to their club
18th July 24 - Well, actually it's for free. Byford are offering their synthetic surface to anyone who wants it
18th July 24 - Dalkeith have changed the dates of their Spring Fours and will be played when the State Fours used to be played, In October
18th July 24 - North Beach and Bedford have sent details for their gala days
17th July 24 - Maybe another is leaving Joondalup?
16th July 24 - Cambridge acquire another useful player
15th July 24 - It's been an amful week at Kalamunda as they lose another much loved member
13th July 24 - Cockburn have a great idea for a competition introducing new bowlers
9th July 24 - Bassendean have sent the flyer for their Spring carnival
7th July 24 - Apparently the Bowls Blitz started last week
7th July 24 - And my thoughts about the bowls blitz
7th July 24 - The PBA got under way yesterday, 4 days of intense bowling to qualify for a trip to the UK. to keep up to date with the results
7th July 24 - Kalamunda have lost a much loved bowler
28th June 24 - Leeming have sent the flyer for their pre-season event
24th June 24 - Some classic start of season events have been sent thru, Kardinya Shots Up and Mt Lawley Consistency
17th June 24 - Merriwa have lost a much loved member
15th June 24 - Bassendean lose a couple
3rd June 24 - Osborne Park lose a player
2nd June 24 - Bowls night of night occurred on Thursday, well done to these winners -
BOWLS WA HALL OF FAME INDUCTEE - Noelene Abe31st May 24 - The Bowls WA Calendar for next season has been released. to view. I will do a summary of the dates for mens, womens and mixed events and keep them in the calendar area for easy reference.
27th May 24 - Thanks to those that have responded, some good feedback as well. Like stated, it wasn't designed to actually change pennants but more around what can we do to make it the best comp to play in.
26th May 24 - I've started a new series, I'm going to jot down my thoughts on bowls related issues during the course of the Winter, I'm calling my editorials. They will cover various issues, prizemoney for state events, bowls laws but today I have looked at our pennant competition and it's structure.
24th May 24 - A long time morley member has passed away. Also want to thank the Morley person who sends me information about his club. The Vale especially was not intended for only bowlers everyone would know, but for those who are club stalwarts who have bowled at the same club for years. Bowlers who past members might have played with in their bowls journey and opposition players. It's always sad to hear of bowlers passing away and nice to recognise their contribution to the club they bowl at.
19th May 24 - Don't forget the BPL qualifyings are on at the moment, 3 completed and 12 to go. It's not too late to enter your club either. WA have a rich tradition in the BPL cup so get on board.
19th May 24 - from tournament organiser Mark Thomas -
With the release of the bowls WA calendar, Kalamunda Club has changed the date of its Classic Carnival so as not to clash with the state fours. If the teams that have all ready nominated please contact me to confirm they are good for the new date.16th May 24 - Kalamunda have sent the flyer for their carnival in October
18th May 24 - The upcoming Metropolitan Forum has some very interesting agenda items that will be discussed. I urge any reader that has a view on them to contact the representative from their club who will be attending to make their views known and ensure that items are truly what the bowlers want from their pennant competition. for details
18th May 24 - First day of the sectionals has been completed at Mt Lawley in the Mens Masters singles. for results.
17th May 24 - One of our WA bowlers heading to the Australian Open has had his roommate unfortunately withdraw. If you are seeking accommodation then we might be able to help.
16th May 25 - I'm back and catching up on emails, please see latest changes below
16th May 24 - A letter about our most talked about subject- the heat rule
16th May 24 - Hilton Park have sent the results of their recent carnival.
16th May 24 - The Indoor singles qualifying has been run. Who are our WA representatives? to find out.
16th May 24 - The final event before the Rosenthal Medal for the men is on this weekend, the Masters Singles. Will the result change the outcome of the medal?
10th May 25 - Just letting everyone know that I am on holidays at the moment in Fiji and won't be able to update the news around the bowls world. Please don't let that stop people sending carnival results, winter weeklies and rumours and I will update everything on my return.